PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR A DEBATE ON THIS SAME CHANNEL IN 2/3 WEEKS TIME DEBATING THE HINDU ISSUES. Details to follow.We will welcome your feedback. Pranaam Mukesh Naker Communications officer for CfD & BHV |
Jasdev ji
Many thanks for the share. For those who do not have Sky, please try this http://www.sikhchannel.tv/watchus/
On 5 October 2014 21:13, <jasdevrai@yahoo.com> wrote:
Watch sikh chanel sky 829 tomorrow at 8 pm. The caste issue is now being taken up by sikhs. We are probably going to hold a major national conf on 18 at southall. I think you should attend to see how sikhs do their campaigns. I am sure you will get fired by. The passion as well.
There may be some statements in the prog that you may not entirely agree but i am happy to explain
Jasdev rai
British Hindu Voice
143 Cavendish Rd, Leicester, Leicestershire LE2 7PJ
Email – BritishHinduVoice@gmail.com
Source:British Hindu Voice