​Invitation: Rally To Support Israel Against Hamas On July 21 In Mumbai

india-israel-flagNamo Tea Party  & Indo-Israel Friendship Association’s Members will march go to the Israel Consulate at Mumbai located at Marathon Futurex, A Wing, N M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel,(EAST) Mumbai 400013 on Monday 21st July 2014 at 12 noon,to express our Solidarity with the State of Israel in their war against Terrorism.

Hamas a Terrorist organisation has to be exposed which is using human as shields in its terrorist activities.

You are requested to collect in the compound of Marathon Futurex located at Lower Parel (EAST) by sharp 12 noon, and then at sharp 12:15 PM we shall go to the ISRAEL Consulate in the same complex and tie friendship Bands and Letter of Support to the Consulate staff.

Please note the spot is close from Curry Road Station on Central Railway & Lower Parel Station on the Western Railway.

It is in our National Interest to support Israel which has been a dependable friend of India in our fight against Terrorists & for all round development.

When Enemy is One ~ Terrorism !! Fight it Jointly, Israel and India, Friends forever


We require your cooperation and support for this cause, please assist.
Regards and best wishes,JAGDISH SHETTY
Mobile Phone +919820052249

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Source: Via WHN Publisher Email