​DIVERSITY-USA – Unwavering Support To Kahsmiri Hindu Homeland




3145 Gilbert Ave., Roseburg, OR 97471 (USA)

Phone & Fax 1-541-957-8414




Roseburg, OR 5/3/15


            Under no circumstances will Diversity-USA advise the ethnic minorities of Kashmir to return to their places of origin when Kashmir is under the tight grip of

the Islamists and Pakistani agents who, in 1989-90, were responsible for driving them out from their 5,000 year old homes and hearths, said Dr. Jagan Kaul, the chairman of the American organization .  How can one be so callous, irresponsible and inhuman to make such an irrational suggestion when in the recent general elections the islamists of Kashmir made it abundantly clear that they do not want to have any thing to do with BJP, India, Hindus, Sikhs or Buddhists and over whelmingly voted for the separatist and islamist candidates? So much so that in spite of spending truck loads of many they did not give a single seat to BJP. They even rejected the Kashmiri Pandit candidates terming them as “agents of India.” Those of the individuals advising the exiled communities to return without the change in power and geopolitical structure of the valley would in effect be responsible in sending these minorities to the “valley of death” which friends of India and supporters of minority rights from all over the world very strongly disapprove he said.




Dr. Kaul said not only does the Indo-American community but also the friends of India and supporters of freedom of religion in the world stand in solidarity with the most representative organization of the exiled minority i.e., PANUN KASHMIR in its realistic and logical demand for the re-organization of J&K State and for creation of a homeland for the exiled people which should be ruled under the provisions of the Indian Constitution. One after the other ruling teams of India have betrayed the Kashmiri minorities, now the BJP which was expected to protect the interests of the non-Muslim minorities, seems to play the same failed strategies as the previous administrations said Dr. Kaul. The policy of divide and rule must not take precedence upon the interests of nation building and national unity.




The more India ignores the fast spreading tentacles of the Islamic civilizational war, which have now surrounded it, the more precarious her security and civilizational stability and safety becomes. In this scheme of internal and external subversion in India the Kashmiri Islamists and separatists are playing a pivotal role. The latest Islamist agitation spearheaded by the separatists against the official plan of establishing the “composite townships” for rehabilitating the exiled communities exposes their intolerance towards minorities and true colors and allegiance towards India’s mortal enemies. Pakistan the main motivator behind this turbulence quickly declared its support by warning Indian authorities that any steps towards setting up these townships would be tantamount to grievously violating the otherwise obsolete resolutions of the UN Security Council. To contain radical Islamist terrorism in the world and particularly in South Asia, India, by virtue of being the home of the second largest Muslim population, bears a paramount responsibility. In this context also neutralizing the Islamist and separatist movement in Kashmir which is aided by Pakistan and the Islamic bloc is extremely important and the reorganization of Kashmir and empowerment of the disenfranchised minorities offers the key to stabilizing the region Dr. Kaul concluded.

Source: WHN Media Network