Yezidi-Hindu Coalition Petition, Letter

Yazidi - 21 sun

Dear Yezdi-Hindu Coalition,
We can not be complacent. We must be pro-active. Ask everyone you know to sign the petition:
 And everyone must also send an email to Obama:
In the “comment” space you can put: “ISIS terrorists are closing in on Mt Shingal where thousands of Yezidis are still stranded. They are threatening to massacre all of the Yezidis there. The US must mount a military offensive immediately to save the defenseless Yezidis.”
Please tell everyone at the Diwali celebrations to also sign the petition and write an email to Obama.
Since there are so few Yezidis in the US we are counting heavily on the Hindus to help us. We need 100,000 signatures before Obama will be forced to read our petition!
Mark Amaru
Mark Amaru Pinkham KGCTpl
Grand Prior IOGT
6770 W State Route 89A
Unit 73
Sedona AZ 86336
Source: WHN Media Network