WWHRC – Stop violation of Human Rights of Hindus, Sikhs & Others in Pakistan


August 14, 2014

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan,

Federal minister for interior,

Government of Pakistan,

Islamabad, Pakistan 

[Through Consulate General of Pakistan, Toronto, Canada]

Subject: Request to immediately stop violation of Human Rights of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and other minorities in Pakistan.

Dear Minister Khan:

As you must know, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmadiyas and other minorities are continued victims of continued religious apartheid and atrocities of unacceptable nature in very high proportions.  

According to Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, around 20 to 25 Hindu girls are being abducted, converted to Islam and forcibly married to Muslim men every month in the Southern Sindh Province alone. Various blasphemy laws are used to intimidate, harass, and even give life sentences based on false accusations against minorities. Last year, ‘Jizya’, a medieval tax, of twelve million Rupees ($ 140,000) was imposed on Sikhs in the Northwest frontier province of Pakistan.  It is time to give the minorities the same rights and privileges as other citizens of Pakistan.

We would like to request you on behalf of the civilized world community to stop these atrocities against Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadiyas, Christians and other minorities. As a token of Indian sub-continent civilizational ‘brother-sister bonds’, we are sending to you and our Muslim brothers in Pakistan customary ‘Rakhi’ to celebrate bonds of affection and protection of our Hindu and Sikh brothers and sisters, including other minorities, in Pakistan. We hope that you would take serious action to protect Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and other minorities to respect their human rights. 


On behalf of Worldwide Human Rights of Canada Team


Naresh Chavda                        Anil Shringi

(647) 895 6790                        (416) 463 9999



Source: Via WHN Publisher