Who Really Ordered Jihadii Lathi Charge on Srinagar NIT Students? – Dr Pravin Togadia


Allahabad / Delhi, April 7, 2016

Reacting strongly to the brutal lathi charge on the NIT – Srinagar students, VHP International Working President Dr Pravin Togadia demanded immediate action against not only the concerned police officers but also on all those who ordered the lathi charge. Dr Togadia said, “The students at NIT Srinagar were humiliated by the local Jihadii students & their supporters by saying ‘Pakistan Zindabad, Hindustan Murdabad’ in the campus of NIT after Bharat lost IPL Cricket against West Indies. Locals pelted stones on the students from other states. Obviously, any nationalist youth would react to this humiliation with a peaceful but united ‘Vande Mataram’ holding Bharat’s flag Tri Colour. This was not a behavior against any law; in fact the students who revered Bharat this way should have been felicitated. But the police did Jihadi lathi charge on the unarmed students from many states of Bharat. All know that without a clear order from the very powerful authority, police never acts in such a brutal way against students in the campus. Bharat has recently seen how the Delhi police was kept at the doors of JNU – Delhi, despite there were anti Bharat sloganeering & a Sedition FIR. Now the basic question is that, WHO REALLY ORDERED SUCH JIHADI LATHI CHARGE ON STUDENTS IN NIT – SRINAGAR? And, while all this was happening, while the police was breaking heads & bones of the nationalist youth on campus, what were the Govts doing – both – state & the central? What is this modern way of CBMs (Confidence Building Measures)? Who planned this targeted discrimination against the students from all over Bharat who went to NIT Srinagar & who in J&K favoured Kashmiri Jihadis who shouted anti Bharat Pro Pakistan slogans on campus & pelted stones?”

Dr Togadia further said, “Recently, when Bharat’s brave army men were fighting against Jihadis in Kashmir sacrificing own lives for the motherland, the army men were attacked with stones by the local Kashmiri Jihadi supporters immediately after the announcement from the nearby mosque to attack the army men. So far, no arrests have been made in this incident. All Fridays, ISIS & Pak flags are seen fluttering in Kashmir. Police never lathi charged those who do it.”

Our Demands:                                                  

  1. The Hon. Supreme Court should take suo motto note of the brutal Jihadi Lathi Charge by the J&K police on the students in NIT Srinagar & set up an SIT to be supervised by the Hon. Supreme Court to fast track the cases & punish the offenders & also those who ordered such lathi charge.
  2. The J&K state Govt should immediately arrest all those local students, staff in the NIT Administration & the local Professors who threatened the students who went there from other states of Bharat.


  1. The J&K Govt should also immediately suspend all the police officers who did such Jihadi lathi charge in the campus.
  2. The Home Ministry at J&K Govt should clarify as to who really ordered the Jihadi lathi charge & immediately file an FIR against all those involved in the lathi charge.
  3. The Union Govt should once & for all announce with the utmost clarity as to what exactly is & will be its policy, vision & action plan for curbing anti Bharat activities in entire Kashmir including POK. Govt should also immediately rehabilitate Kashmiri Hindus in their own places with full protection. It is high time that the Article 370 be abrogated. As per the old resolution by the Indian Parliament, the entire Kashmir including POK has been an integral part of Bharat. This has been pending for long & now with the new Govts in place at the center & also at J&K, Bharat has high hopes with no patience to wait any longer.
  4. As the immediate measure, the NIT-Srinagar should be shifted to Jammu & all the students from other states should be given full protection.
  5. Those Jihadi students who gave anti-Bharat slogans should be permanently rusticated from the NIT with the lifelong prevention on admission to any education institute.
  6. The faculty that has been supporting & encouraging the Jihadi separatism in Kashmir in NIT & other educational institutions in Srinagar & all over Bharat should be terminated from the services.
  7. While the students who suffered the said Jihadi lathi charge were taking medical treatment in the hospitals & while their parents all over Bharat were petrified & worried, there were Pak flags welcoming Sayeed Ali Shah Gilani in Srinagar. Those who fluttered the Pak flags should be immediately arrested along with Gilani & be charged with Sedition.


Dr Togadia further said, “During Amarnath agitation in 2008, Kashmir has seen the energy & grit of Bharat. For 60 days, Jammu was closed in protest, the connecting roads were closed & Kashmir did not get any vegetables or medicines. Now, if Kashmiri Jihadi separatists have become bold due to Chinese support in POK, Pak’s help or whatever reasons, then they are underestimating nationalist strength of the common people of Bharat. From 1947 & then since 1989-90 till today, Kashmiri separatists have tried Bharat’s patience. Now enough! Either both the state & the Central Govts handle the issues on war-footing without any more dilly-dallying in the name of CBMs or development etc or Bharat’s common people are not in any mood to take nation’s humiliation any further by Pak & Pak-sponsored Jihadi separatists.”


Contact: office.prezvhp@gmail.com


Vinod Bansal


@vinod_bansal M-9810949109

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)