WHN Newsletter – Nov 10, 2014

In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms – termed as “Namaskar.” The general reason behind this tradition is that greeting by joining both the palms means respect. However, scientifically speaking, joining both hands ensures joining the tips of all the fingers together; which are denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind.

Maria Wirth is a German and came to India for a holiday after finishing her psychology studies at Hamburg University. She visited the Ardha Kumbha Mela in Haridwar in April 1980 where she met Sri Anandamayi Ma and Devaraha Baba, two renowned saints.

According to JFH sources, Angli Meghwar is a 12 year old Hindu girl who was kidnapped from her home at Massan Street in Daherki Pakistan on October 23rd, 2014.  The same outfit, one Mr. Pir Abdul Haq (aka Mian Mitho), who was responsible for the alleged kidnapping and forced conversion of Rinkle Kumari is said to be behind Angli’s kidnapping as well.

OHIO: ‘Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation-USA (EVF-USA)’, recently (Oct. 3-5) hosted an international conference in Cincinnati, Ohio to address various issues facing rural education, hygiene, and integrated development in remote parts of India, where it operates.

New Delhi: In what is thought to be the first such coordination move, at least five ministers from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government have held a meeting with representatives of several organizations affiliated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)..

Tirthahalli in Shimoga district in Karnataka is renowned from time immemorial as a holy place. Indeed, the name “tirtha” itself means “sacred.” People there have a high regard for women. Tirthahalli is also known to be a place where childless and/or expecting couples keep a vow to have a girl child.

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) will hold around 600 Hindu conferences all over the country between November and February next to celebrate its golden jubilee year of existence,.

United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday released an encyclopedia on Hinduism at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center in Westminster, London. Cameron described the encyclopedia as a great contribution to humanity.

Oregon State University (OSU) is launching religious studies major in the upcoming winter term and it shall include various Hinduism courses. “One area of emphasis is on the religions of Southeast Asia, including Budhhism, Hinduism and Islam”, according to an OSU release.

Anti-Hindu attacks are on the rise in Bangladesh, with supporters of the Jammate-E-Islami Bangladesh (Jammat) and the Bangladesh National party (BNP) demolishing Hindu temples and statues, and vandalizing houses and shops with Hindu owners.

Communal tension is rising in Northwest Delhi’s Bawana locality two days ahead of Muharram. On Sunday, a large number of  Hindu residents from villages took part in a mahapanchayat, which demanded that a taziya procession be barred from passing through Bawana village and the main marketplace as the religious procession was “provocative and violent”.

After partition, we inherited British infrastructure of governance and by large have continued with the same. British rule, was also secular to proclaim. There were no reservations or appeasement for any category.
  • What motivated us to replace British rulers at the cost of accepting partition of the country?
  • What motivated us to make sacrifices for attaining freedom?

On behalf of the Hindu Forum of Europe, I wish all the readers, their families and loved ones a Happy Diwali! Says President Radj Bhondoe seen here posing with the policeman on duty outside the Peers Entrance to House of Lords in the UK.

This is a historical phenomenon, which entertains and fascinates me to no end. Buddhism had a huge impact on all East Asian cultures, especially on their pantheons of deities. On first glance it might seem odd that a reform movement, which rejected many of the core tenants of Vedic religion would transmit a belief in Vedic deities.

1. VSS Japan has celebrated Durga Puja (100+ attendance) and will celebrate Netaji’s birth anniversary in Jan-2015.

2. We had a small brain-storming session where each of us shared the various philanthropic projects we are involved in.

The hill abode of Sri Ayyappan in the Western Ghats has become one of the most-visited temples in India, and it is in the list of places where the most places converge in the world (Source: The Economist, 2013).