WHN has given that voice and the platform to Hindus express their views: Hari B. Bindal, P.E.





World Hindu News emerged at the time when most needed, the time when Hinduism is not only neglected but but suppressed by secular forces and it needed voice to speak up.  WHN has given that voice and the platform to Hindus express their views against the current biased media. I am happy to see WHN on line, on time, all inclusive, full of Hindu related news. 


I congratulate the WHN team and wish a bright future, specially the financial. I became member during the WDC Conference in New Jersey, paid my fare share, hope everybody does. We needed Hindu newspaper, here it is, we must fulfill now our obligation, because we must realize, nothing is free in this world.   


Hari B. Bindal, P.E.

Bowie, MD 20720


from: Hari Bindal <xxxxxdxx@xxxx.com>
to: publisher@worldhindunews.com
date: Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 7:49 AM
subject: Appreciation