WHN Global Newsletter – 02 May 2015


VHP of America requests your kind contribution to help the victims and their family who are affected by this devastation. VHP of America will work with appropriate agency to ensure that the donated funds only be used to help the victims of this natural disaster. VHP of America has established a relief fund and is soliciting all its members, their friends and family members to contribute to this fund generously and help the people who are in dire need of help and support.

In your April 20, 2015 edition, Outlook ran three articles including a cover story on the current Union HRD minister.

Hindus Need To Be Religious To Be Able To Defend Themselves – D. C. Nath

We have been sharing with you any number of learned dissertations on Hinduism, what it is, what does it signify, that it is the best religion on earth, that we should be proud of our religious heritage, etc. All this is true and eternal truth but, today we propose to deal with more mundane things, hoping, however, that we do not hurt any one’s sentiment.

Two Human Rights Activists Raj Kumar Wanjara and Asad  Chandio  from Sind who were on a visit to New York were honored  in New York in an upscale  restaurant on April 22nd by Indian American Intellectuals Forum, Justice for Hindus…

We are horrified to note that Mulla Moin Siddiqui, President of All India Faizan-e-Madina Council, a radical Islamist organization, has declared a Fatwa and offered a bounty of 5 million Indian rupees ….

It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the dehant of one of our most dedicated, pioneering, and respected Governing Council members, Sri Padmakant Khambhati Ji. He took his last breath at 09.15 P.M. on Monday, April 20, 2015 after a brief illness. He was 78-years-old. Padmakant Ji hailed from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He graduated as a Mechanical Engineer with a gold medal.
Why Hindu Voice Scores Zero In Media

Last week Indian PM Narendra Modi addressed fellow Members of Parliament in which he slammed media for avoiding good work of Ex- Indian Army chief Gen. V. K. Singh efforts for Yemen evacuation. The reason why mainstream Indian media didn’t appreciated the Gen. V. K. Singh ….

We appeal all Doctors & other kind hearted people to come ahead & help in this time of tragedy. India Health Line’s Medical teams are already ready to leave in a day to Nepal from Gorakhpur & Patna. Come ahead now & donate minimum Rs. 1000 and above for arranging essential medicines & other supplies. The amount to be paid ONLY in the account given here & NOT in cash to anybody. The donation to Hindu Help Line is exempt under 80G.

The controversy about Mother Teresa had not subsided, and there is yet another book by P B Lomeo “Unteshwari Mata ka Mahant” has raised a serious question on the functioning of the church within the Christian society.

Indian culture represents a unique all-embracing world-view and a vibrant way of life. The cultural stream of India is very extensive and comes down from eternity. It had never been just a philosophical conception cut off from practicality…

Executives of DIVERSITY-USA, a national democratic Think Tank of America dealing with minority issues in the U.S. which has also been dealing with the exodus and genocide of the ethnic minorities of India’s J&K state, at the hands of the Kashmiri Islamists in collaboration with Pakistan, Al Qaeda and Taliban a resolution was passed endorsing the latest statement issued by the Panun Kashmir

Printed in India and registered through the ISBN, it was formally released for general distribution at the World Hindu Congress in New Delhi during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of VHP.

Unable to cope with the flood of applications from around the world, the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, had to start a summer school in spoken Sanskrit in Switzerland, Italy and – believe it or not – India too.