WHN Global Newsletter – 01 Mar 2015

A Bangladeshi-American writer who endured threats from Islamists over his secular views was hacked to death in Dhaka lateThursdayreports say. Avijit Roy, 42, was a naturalized American living in Georgia. He was a frequent critic of radical Islamic doctrine. At least two attackers descended on Roy and his wife, blogger Rafida Ahmed Bonna, near Dhaka University. She was hospitalized with several stab wounds and a severed finger.

This interdisciplinary research and teaching project has several clearly-defined goals. The overarching theme is to increase understanding of transplant tolerance in a large cohort of patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Specifically, to evaluate and analyze the nature of achieving clinical tolerance in living renal transplantation using co-transplantation of donor adipose-tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells with clonal deletion, associated with generation of peripheral T-regulatory cells.

Hindu leader & BJP MLA  Raja Singh Thakur of Hyderabad gets threat calls of dire consequences. Suspected Islamists may murder Singh with his families. There is increase in the threats given to devout Hindus and attacks on them day by day. In such a situation will the people (whether common man or a BJP MLA) ever see ‘Good days’ assured by  PM MODI?

Reported By- Barry Nirmal On February 21, 2015, Hindu Mahasabha of America (HMSA) organized a public meeting in Houston, Texas to commemorate Hindu Heritage Day. This meeting was a great success with enthusiastic participation of many speakers, and attendees. The Consulate General of India, Mr Harish was the Chief Guest.
USA Yezidi Group International Appeal To Bring Down Website Selling ISIS Captured Yezidi Women

On occasion of World Telugu summit, walls of SV University Arts college compound walls are painted with historical people who served Telugu literature and Telugu culture. Today morning these prominent figures faces are painted with Christian cross symbols.

Q: As a Christian missionary, do you adopt a position of neutrality between Christian poor and other poor? A: I am not neutral. I have my faith. Q: Can the Church do any wrong? A: No, as long as it stands on the side of God. Q: Mother, if you were born in the Middle Ages, and were asked, at the time of Galileo’s inquisition, to take side, which would you have chosen – the Church or modern astronomy? A: (Smiling) The Church. India Today, May 31, 1983. Interview of Mother Teresa.

Hindu Sanskrit epic Ramayana performances through shadow puppetry of Malaysia will be held in various parts of USA in the next few weeks. In “Wayang Kulit: The Shadow Play of Kelantan”, an ancient form of puppet theater, the shadows of intricately carved leather puppets will be projected onto a screen, showcasing the plays based on Ramayana. These will be reportedly performed by a team of puppeteers and musicians from Kelantan region of Malaysia. Performances will be held in Houston (February 22-28), Atlanta and other parts of Georgia (March 1-7), Gainesville (Florida) (March 8-14); and already ended in Crockett (Texas) on February 21.

Press Brief of the Panun Kashmir press conference addressed jointly by Dr. Agnishekhar convener & Dr. Ajay Chrungoo chairman on Friday 20th of Feb. 2015 at JammuAll patriotic citizens of the state of Jammu and Kashmir out rightly disapprove the entire framework of conditions put forward by PDP which is guiding its efforts for the formation of a new government in the state. A sinister political maneuver seems to be afoot to seek political and official legitimacy to soft-secessionism in the state through the process of government formation.

Namaskar Bandhu Jan,

Despite Cricket match, Tokyo Marathon and cold weather we could conduct our 7th Sakha in a closed room.


In this key interview, Paras Rajput, Bajrang Dal leader explains the key role of Bajrang Dal in protecting the dignity of Hindu Women in India, Social work, ISIS threat, Love Jihad, strategy for ruling BJP and overall Hindu environment post Narednra Modi as Indian PM. Bajrang Dal is a patriot organization and aims to protect, preserve and sustain Hindu empowerment in India. It’s cadres risks life on daily basis facing Jehadi, Communist and Missionary forces operating at grassroots level. All for selfless service for Dharma and Nation. Bajrang Dal cadres are one of the most courageous and fearless activists in India.


In this interview with Global Hindu empowerment Hon. Swami Vigyananand ji speaks about World Hindu Congress 2018, to be held in USA with participation

expected from 80+ countries and 2000+ delegates. He also updates audience on recent hate attacks on N American Temples. Swami Vigyanand ji is a global Hindu leader and is an idealogue for millions of Hindus. Under his visionary programs Hindus globally now have defined and structured programs to volunteer. His comments on ‘World Yoga Day’ etc.


Patna: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) chief Pravin Togadia, at a Hindu convention at the Shakha field in Rajendra Nagar in Patna on Monday, appealed to the government to pass anti-conversion laws to protect Hindus from becoming a minority in their own country. “The Parliament is once again in session and on this occasion; I call on leaders like Sonia Gandhi and Mulayam Singh Yadav to support anti-conversion laws to stop forces conversions of the Hindus who are very much against this practice,” he said.
I am very much disgusted these days to see the attitude of many Hinduvadi activists as flashed in the advent of a statement passed by a Jamiat Mufti named Muhammad Ilyas on Hindu Dharma, Hindu Rashtravad (Nation-State), Hindu God Shiva is the first Prophet of Islam and so on.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada today, describing it as a step in the right direction, urged all other public school districts and private schools in New Jersey to do the same. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, pointed out that it would be a positive thing to do in view of presence of a substantial number of Hindu students at schools around the state, as it was important to meet the religious and spiritual needs of these students.
Hindus, who urged disciplining of a Northern Ireland Catholic priest who reportedly linked yoga to Satan, are disheartened over the Church’s silence on the issue.
Father Reverend Roland Colhoun, a priest at Waterside Parish of Roman Catholic Diocese of Derry in Northern Ireland, as reported by Derry Journal, “warned parishioners against taking part in yoga” while saying mass in Drumsurn recently.

You all would have by now learnt about the controversy around the Nobel Laureate Dr. Amartya Sen and the proposed “second” Nalanda University, for which he had been brought/hired by the former UPA government. That there had been some “ghotala” about the entire event is now an open truth. By submitting his resignation, Dr Sen seems to be making an effort to run away from the problem. That there has been some financial and other irregularities in the entire Rs, 3000/ crore project has been coming in the public domain as also in the press for quite some time.

1. Butchers know that Hindus never take revenge on slaughterers of cows and attackers of ‘Gou-rakshaks’, but prefer to be only at the receiving end. 2. Police are shirking from their duty; therefore, ‘Gou-premis (patrons of cows)’ had to do this job. Such police should be dismissed for not doing their duty and punished with life imprisonment.

Tolerance of Hindus is known for ages. FIRST resolution
was to thank Hindus – the resolution said that India is the only place in the world, where Jews were not persecuted.

COIMBATORE: Revenue officials with the help of police demolished a temple that was being built on a reserved spot, covered the temple foundation with sand and removed the statue of the deity.

The idol was removed as the temple was being raised illegally on a reserved spot in Sangampalayam village….