WHEF 2016 Los Angeles Nov 18-20 – Agenda and Registration



With great pleasure we would like to introduce World Hindu Economic Forum to you!

Inspired by the philosophy laid out by the legendary Thinker, Philosopher and Economist – Chanakya: Economy is the Foundation of Community Success and Strength. The World Hindu Economic Forum is guided by a Vision of ‘Making Society Prosperous’ combined with a Mission of ‘Creating and Sharing Surplus Wealth’.

Hindus contributed 33-49% to the world economy from 1st till 15th century CE. The Hindu civilization was wealthy, prosperous and strong. This prosperity was lost during the period of Islamic invasion and colonial rule.


The principal aims of the World Hindu Economic Forum is to bring together, from around the globe, successful leaders within the Hindu Society such as traders, bankers, industrialists, businessmen, professionals, technocrats, investors along with economists, academicians, political leaders and thinkers, so that each group can share their business knowledge, experience, expertise and resources with their fellow delegate. The WHEF journey began in 2012 at Hong Kong, followed by successful annual forums in Bangkok 2013New Delhi 2014London 2015, and several regional forums along the way. At present WHEF is the only way to bring Hindu leaders on one Platform for facilitating Networking among them.

Why USA?

The United States is the premier economic power in the world. It is driven by a spirit of entrepreneurship and leads the world in fields of finance and technological innovation. There are multiple opportunities for growth across the length and breadth of this vast nation. Los Angeles (LA) is the third largest economic metropolitan area in the world. Los Angeles is a global hub for international trade, manufacturing, technology, finance, entertainment and fashion – making it an excellent venue for the World Hindu Economic Forum. WHEF 2016 @ Los Angeles will enable Hindus from across the world to network, get first hand insights into the North & South American markets, and pursue opportunities for mutual growth.

Below are few highlights of the conference

Keynote speakers


Gururaj Deshpande (Desh Deshpande) : President and Chairman of Sparta Group LLC and Chairman of Tejas Networks. Founding investor in Airvana, Cimaron, Webdialogs and Relicore.


Dr. Deshpande has pursued an entrepreneurial career for the last three decades.  He is involved either as the founder, a founding investor or chairman of several companies including Cascade Communications, Sycamore Networks, Coral Networks, Tejas Networks, Cimaron, Webdialogs, Airvana, Sandstone Capital, A123 Systems and Curata.





Dr.S P Kothari : Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and an editor of the Journal of Accounting and Economics. He was also Global Head of Equity Research, Barclays Global Investors, acquired by BlackRock on June 11, 2009. Prior to 2008, he was Deputy Dean and the head of the department of Economics, Finance and Accounting.


The American Accounting Association (AAA) honored his work with the 2014 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award.  For the past 17 years, Kothari has served as an editor of the Journal of Accounting & Economics, a world-renowned academic research journal in accounting. 




Ed Royce : U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R) became the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in January 2013. He is serving his twelfth term in Congress, representing California’s 39th district based in Orange, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties.


Royce is known for his knowledge of many different regions of the world and foresight into key U.S. foreign policy issues. Immediately prior to becoming Chairman of the Committee, Royce served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade and a member of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.





Tulsi Gabbard : A Hindu American politician and member of the Democratic Party who has been the United States Representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district since 2013.


Tulsi is first and only Hindu-American member in House of Representative in USA.  She was elected in 2012 to the United States House of Representatives, serving Hawaii’s 2nd District.  She is one of the first two female combat veterans to ever serve in the U.S. Congress.  Tulsi was elected to the Honolulu City Council, Hindu-American Politician, serving as Chair of the Safety, Economic Development, and Government Affairs Committee and Vice Chair of the Budget Committee.  Days after being sworn in to her first term in Congress, Tulsi was selected to serve as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee.  



Different topics and speakers for the session


SESSION 1: Worldwide Business Opportunities
Chairperson: Prof. R. Vaidyanathan, IIM Bengaluru, Bharat
Business opportunities in South America Rakesh Vaidyanathan
Management Consultant & Entrepreneur – Sao Paulo, Brazil
1Business opportunities in Africa Mahesh Punia
Nairobi, Kenya
Business opportunities in North America Navneet Chugh
Managing Partner & founder, Chugh Firm – Los Angeles, USA


SESSION 2: Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Chairperson: Shri Mukesh Chatter, Boston, USA (High-Tech entrepreneur)
  Shri Ram Sudireddy
Co-chair of the Campaign for HDS, Entrepreneur – Boston, USA
  Shri M.R. Rangaswami
Software Executive, Investor, Entrepreneur and philanthropist -California, USA
  Shri Jayan Ramankutty
Chairman of the board, Idealyst Inc – Fremont, USA


SESSION 3: Investment and Entrepreneurship
Chairperson: Shri Neil Bhaskar
  Shri Mohandas Pai
Chairperson, Manipal Global Education Services – Bangalore, India.
  Shri Raju Reddy
SFO, California, USA
  Shri Anil Khatod
  Managing Director at Argonaut Private Equity – Atlanta, Georgia, USA


SESSION 4: Strategic Partnership in Trade, Commerce and Defense between Bharat and America
Chairperson: Avdhesh Agarwal
  Shri Mukesh Aghi
President, USIBC
  Dr. Rajan Natarajan
President, TechnoGen, Inc., USA
  Ashish Chugh
Managing Director, Bay Pond Partners


SESSION 5: Women Entrepreneurship
Chairperson: Toni DasGupta
  Dr. Sangeeta D.
Head of Global Client Operations, Nielsen
  Ms. Maninder Dhaliwal
CEO, Lions Gate International
  Ms. Vandana Gupta
BE,   CEO, Ingenious Information Technology                                          

Break-up Sessions

  • Biotech, Medical & Life Sciences

  • Infrastructure, Construction & Environment

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Trade and Banking

  • EB5 & Business Initiation

  • Hotel Management & Investment 

  • IT, Intellectual Property and E-Commerce

  • Women in Business

  • Opportunities in Textiles and How to Compete with China

  • Opportunities in Education Sector in USA/India

  • Opportunities in Start-up Financing



November 18-20

Hotel Irvine – Irvine, California

Please complete the first step of registration by submitting the form by clicking this link. After submission, you will be automatically taken to the fee payment page.

If you have already submitted the registration form and need to complete payment, please click here.

All registrations are reviewed and qualified by WHEF Organization Committee after payment is received. The Delegates will be provided with invitation letter so as to apply for any necessary visa.


For Further information, please visit WHEF

WHEF Brochure:   http://bit.ly/WHEFEBrochure

WHEF 2016 Registration Brochure:  http://bit.ly/USARegistration

WHEF 2016 Sponsorship Brochure: http://bit.ly/USASponsorship 

WHEF 2016 Video:   http://bit.ly/28Qg572

London Conference Report:  http://bit.ly/WHEFLondonReport 

New-Delhi Conference Report:  http://bit.ly/WHEFNewDelhiReport 

Message from US Congressman Ed Royce:   http://bit.ly/MessageFromEdRoyce

Message from US Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez: http://bit.ly/MessageFromLoretaSanchez

FAQ: http://bit.ly/WHEF-FAQ

Organizing Committee:

Avadhesh Agarwal   — Chairman

Nadadur Varadhan / Ravi Tilak – Vice-Chairman

Bala Palanisamy – Secretary


WHEF www.wheforum.org | WHEF USA Office Address: 545 W Lambert Rd, Suite C, Brea, CA 92821, USA | 
Phone: +1 (714) 253 3515 | Cell: +1 (714) 873 2563

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)