• Dharma (Sanskrit:

dharma refers to refers to the underlying order in nature and human life and behavior considered to be in accord with that order. The word Dharma is used to mean nyaya (Justice), what is right in a given circumstance, moral values of life, pious obligations of individuals, righteous conduct in every sphere of activity, being helpful to other living beings, giving charity to individuals in need of it or to a public cause or alms to the needy, natural qualities or characteristics or properties of living beings and things, duty and law as also constitutional law. Dharma is the law that maintains the cosmic order as well as the individual and social order. Dharma sustains human life in harmony with nature. When we follow dharma, we are in conformity with the law that sustains the universe.
dharma can be briefly said as

Description Dharma is a Sanskrit expression of the widest import. There is no corresponding word in any other language. It would also be futile to attempt to give any definition of the word. It can only be explained. It has a wide variety of meanings. A few of them would enable us to understand the range of that expression
dharma includes Divine Law, Law of Being, Way of Righteousness, Religion, Ethics, Duty,Responsibility, Virtue, Justice, Goodness and Truth.

Human society, for example, is sustained and upheld by the dharma performed by its members. For example, parents protecting and maintaining children, children being obedient to parents, the king protecting the citizens, are acts of dharma that uphold and sustain society. In this context dharma has the meaning of duty. Dharma also employs the meaning of law, religion, virtue, and ethics. These things uphold and sustain the proper functioning of human society.
Dharma is the most beautiful maiden Ushas (goddess of the Dawn

), it is her radiance and the reddish glow of her most beautiful face which signals the coming of the sun of wisdom and prosperity, and the departure of the darkness of ignorance and poverty.** • Dharma is Sanatana (eternal) and pervades all religions, because it comprises of all that is eternal and internal in a religion. A life in accordance of Dharma is a life in accordance of the laws of Nature and creation; hence it leads us towards evolution, development and everlasting bliss. SO OUR DHARMA KEEPS CHANGING WITH AGE , TIME AND STATE OF BEING IN PRESENT but dharma is always to be on the righteous path .
Dharma is a natural instinct in all of us that stimulates us to act at a subconscious level, without thinking.

The Eternal Principle of Dharma Dharma is our true place in the cosmic process: in time, in space, in awareness, in thought, deed and desire. The eternal principle of Dharma determines the harmonious functions of the cosmic machine. In order that we fulfill our role in the divine play we must behave within our Dharma. That is, we ought to do the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reason. By this we attain balance. To establish balance within yourself ensures your own welfare as well as the welfare of society. It opens the path prepared for us by the divine.
Essence and purpose of Dharma

In Shrimad Bhagavatam, Prahlada, one of the greatest devotees of Shri Vishnu, summarizes the essence and the purpose of Dharma :- “May there be peace in the whole world. May the wicked become peaceful and gentle. Let all people pray with their hearts for peace and mutual well being. May our minds resort only to that which is auspicious and good. May our thought be fixed on Lord Vishnu without any selfish motive.” (5-18-9)
a Dharma is only true Dharma if ,it teaches U to walk firm

1. It shows us a path to bring peace to the whole world. 2. It transforms the hearts of those who want to harm and impels them to promote peace, not disturbance. 3. It teaches its followers to pray for world peace and for physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of all beings. 4. It teaches a method to reach a state of consciousness where our mind only follows that which is auspicious and good for all of us, and avoids that which is harmful to others and ourselves. 5. It teaches devotion to the supreme Lord while at the same time eradicating selfish desires from our heart.
Dharma protects those who protect it!

Dharma is world peace, and transformation of the hearts, while its essence is prayer for universal well being, noble thoughts, and selfless devotion. So, in one word Dharma is – Universal Love** In whose heart resides Dharma or benevolence, for such a person there is nothing that is difficult to attain.” says Goswami Tulasi Das
Honesty pays, but people do not have the patience to practice it, said Swami Vivekananda.

Persons who render selfless service to other human beings are the greatest. Persons who carry on their profession, avocation or business with self interest, but without exploiting and causing any injury to those who deal with them are good. But those who give trouble to or exploit others in utter selfishness are demons in human form.** — Nitishataka-72
Dharma is the greatest and the most valuable contribution to humanity by Bharatvarsha

dharma the central concept in religions and philosophies originating in India. These religions and philosophies are called dharmic traditions. The principal ones are Hindu Dharma or Sanatana Dharma, Buddhism or Buddha Dharma,Jainism or Jain Dharma and Sikhism, all of which emphasize Dharma (the correct understanding of Nature) in their teachings. Essentially, dharma is the orderly fulfillment of an inherent nature or destiny. Relating to the atman (Inner Self), it is the mode of conduct most conducive to spiritual advancement, the right and righteous path.
our day problems are a direct result of disregarding ‘Dharma’

under the influence of a materialistic philosophy, in the belief that it alone can usher in happiness and secure the welfare of the people. Now it is becoming clear that human problems multiply as we go on multiplying our lust and desire for material wealth and pleasure and that the solution to all the problems, Social, Economic and Political, which the world and our nation are facing, in particular the crash of our moral edifice is, Dharma alone panacea. There is no alternative to ‘Dharma’. This is the Eternal Truth. This can be realized, if we understand the real meaning of ‘Dharma’.***
, the true realm of Dharma extends far beyond toward the soul

In the beginning of creation, the Creator, having created everything including sacrifice, said, ” By this you shall propagate. Let your desires be fulfilled simply by milking the divine wish-fulfilling cow within”
Is Dharma religion?

Generally the equivalent of Dharma in English is considered “religion”. However, this translation is based on a fundamental misunderstanding since if “religion” means :- 1. the condition of belonging to a religious order, 2. a particular religious or monastic order, 3. a particular system of a belief in a supernatural power, Then Dharma has nothing to do with religion. In this sense, the Sanskrit word for “religion” can be “sampradaya” or “Mata”, but not Dharma. If “religion” means belief in a superhuman controlling power, entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship, then it is just an aspect of Dharma, viz. devotion to the Divinity. In this sense, the Sanskrit equivalent of “religion” can be “Shraddha” or bhakti”, but not Dharma, because, as described above, the true realm of Dharma extends far beyond just that.
Dharma is principle of righteousness , unity , holiness

In a nutshell Dharma defies dogma and thus seeks to instead align the human sharira (body), manas (mind), and atman (the Self) in harmony with nature. The doctrine of dharma states that right action must be performed for the sake of righteousness, and good must be done for the sake of goodness, without any expectation of receiving something in return.
. Dharma is the means of preserving ones self.

Bhishma says in his instructions toYudhishthira that whatever creates conflict is Adharma, and whatever puts an end to conflict and brings about unity and harmony is Dharma. Anything that helps to unite all and develop pure divine love and universal brotherhood, is Dharma. Anything that creates discord, split and disharmony and foments hatred, is Adharma
dharma is your sole companion after death

. If you transgress it, it will kill you. If you protect it, it will protect you . Rishi Kanada, founder of the Vaiseshika system of philosophy, has given the best definition of Dharma, in his Vaiseshika Sutras :- Yato-bhyudayanihsreyasa-siddhih sa dharmah. That which leads to the attainment of Abhyudaya (prosperity in this world) and Nihsreyasa (total cessation of pain and attainment of eternal bliss hereafter) is Dharma.
living with your dharma is the only way to live in bliss

Our very limitation is guided under a universal understanding, that of Dharma. The atharvaveda, the last of the four books of the Vedas, utilizes symbolism to describe dharma’s role. That we are bound by the laws of time, space and causation is only a finite reality, a limitation imposed by the self-projection of the infiniteBrahman as the cosmos. Dharma is the foundation of this causal existence, the one step below the infinite. Indeed, dharma is the projection of divine order from Brahman, and as such: Dharma is that which is indicated by the Vedas as conducive to the highest good.
finally your dharma helps U to grow beyond gross to subtle

no matter what may happen in life but those who follow their dharma and don’t get corrupted by mind they rise above the mind and find a tiny place to grow in to an enormous tree ; the tree of life ; the tree of divinity .