West Bengal: 70 Hindu shops destroyed rioting Islamists

Riotous Muslim mob retains sway
On January 1, 2014, between 9 am and 1 pm, almost 70 shops possessed by Hindus at Dhaki Bazar within the jurisdiction of police station of Kultali in the district of South 24 Paraganas were captured by a large gang of Muslims. It has been learnt, around 1, 000 Muslim people from the adjoining area and also from outside assembled within the market. They were from all walks of life and from different political parties also but united with a single purpose and it was to oust Hindu traders from those shops. Even if Hindu leaders of same political parties also watched the turmoil, they preferred to remain as mute spectators. According to locals, all Hindu leaders took flight once they learnt that the unruly mob comprising riotous youths was led by Suja, alleged to be a trusted acquaintance of Selim or the dreaded criminal from Mograhat.
A contingent of local police station under the supervision of a police officer named Imarul Haque was also there but they remained silent even if forceful eviction of traders including Panchu Gharami, Kinkar Mandal, Kashinath Paik and Sanat Mandal went on. None of concerned youths has been taken into custody yet and indisposition of Hindus terrified to file an official complaint even has led to a stalemate. Locals confirm that partisanship of Kultali police station against Hindus in every capacity has been continuing for decades.

Source: Hindu Samhati