April 28th, 2015
New York, Overseas Volunteers for Better India (OVBI) is spearheading a Yoga movement in USA. The movement, named OVBI Yogathon, is part of the first historic International Day of Yoga celebrations. 177 nations recently came together to approve the United Nations resolution, declaring 21st June as the International Day of Yoga. The movement is being launched in association with the Consulate General of India, New York and aims to create a platform where 100s of partner organizations, including those representing diverse ethnic organizations in the US will come together to become part of the Yoga movement. OVBI along with partner organizations plans to have an event celebration of the International Day of Yoga in more than 100 cities in the US. The event in each of these cities will be spearheaded by Yoga Ambassadors. A global social media poster campaign headed by a tech-savvy, creative and dynamic team of volunteers will take the message of the Yoga and its benefits nationwide.
OVBI or Overseas Volunteers for a Better India was formed in June 2013 to create a platform where non resident Indias can contribute to make India of their dreams. In a short time OVBI has more than 10,000 members all across USA. Recently OVBI was launched in Canada, Australia and some European countries as well. OVBI volunteers include doctors, engineers, scientists, students, business owners etc., who are willing to work as brand ambassadors for India and also help the communities they live in.
Keeping the wellness of the society in mind and also based on the fact that Yoga is a cultural heritage of India, OVBI has taken upon itself and along with partner organizations to promote Yoga on a massive scale . Yoga was first introduced in the US by Swami Vivekananda in 1893 and became popular in 1960s. In the last decade, there has been an exponential growth in Yoga practitioners. The Yoga Journal marketing research in 2012 estimated that 20.4 million Americans practice yoga whereas, as many as 44.4% of Americans call themselves as “Aspirational Yogis”. OVBI plans to build up on this momentum and take Yoga to every home in US. Through Yoga it plans to bring down social barriers and promote peace and harmony in the society.
The OVBI Yogathon website is http://intyogaday.com
OVBI Website is http://www.overseasvbi.org/

Those willing to become Yoga ambassadors (help to organize the event in any one city) or be a Partner Organization may contact: yogathon@overseasvbi.org

Source: WHN Media Network