New Delhi: The RSS said on Sunday that while it may offer “suggestions if required” to the BJP, it was not acting as a “remote control” and would not interfere in the functioning of the party or the government. The BJP also claimed that the Sangh has no role in the formation of the Narendra Modi government.
The RSS’ remarks come as the BJP top brass, including PM-designate Narendra Modi, are in hectic parleys with the RSS top brass. Speculation is rife in the BJP that its leaders are discussing key issues, including portfolios, with the RSS.
“The Sangh has not given any guidelines to the BJP after its historic victory in the Lok Sabha polls, nor to Modiji… The RSS never keeps any remote control to perform any role in politics and government,” RSS leader Ram Madhav said. Mr Modi met RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and other top RSS leaders recently. Other senior BJP leaders have also been meeting the RSS top brass.