Vol.117 – Patriots Speak :: 28th Sept.- 4th Oct. 2015

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Dear Enlightened Readers,

The week under review was better for international bonding:

·             The migrant issue in EU remained unresolved. Plan for EU border force revived.

·             Many countries are on guard against possible entry of jihadis of war-experience surreptitiously;

·             Indian Navy also done the country proud by commissioning indigenously manufactured INS Kochi;

·             A sum of only Rs. 3700 thousand Crore declared within the period of immunity. Considered too less.

·             USA, Russia, France, Iran, Saudi. Arabia in virtual  joint front against ISIS, of course limited to airstrikes;

·             Indo-Nepal problem issue has also remained unresolved;

·             Japan-India worried about Chinese activity in Indo Pacific region;

·             For a change, India firm on Pakistan need being first to “de-terrorised”;

·             Pak ISI effort at sending jihadis to Punjab, Jammu-Kashmir and Delhi;

·             First ISIS attack in Bangladesh–although still in doubt;

·             ISRO does it again. It launched Space Research Observatory;

·             G-4 countries clamour for UNSC seat;

·             Water found in Mars;

·             The Nation paid tributes to:

o    Mahatma Gandhi (October 2)

o    Lal Bahadur Shastri (October 2)

o    Legendary Bhagat Singh (September 28)


Thanking you & with regards,


Yours sincerely,


D.C. Nath


(On behalf of the Patriots’ Forum)

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Source: Patriots’ Forum