VHP’s countrywide survey on ‘forced migration’ of Hindus to start from next week

VHP, Vishwa Hindu parishad, vhp survey, forced migration, vhp forced migration survey, bjp, communal tensions, india news, latest newsVishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) president Praveen Togadia said that Hindus in various parts of the country are being forced to move out leaving behind their homes and property. Express Photo by Gajendra Yadav

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) will launch from next week a nationwide survey on “migration” of Hindus in the country leaving behind their homes and property.

“We have decided to launch a countrywide survey on forced migration of Hindus in various parts of the country. Hindus in various parts of the country from Jammu & Kashmir to Kerala, and Gujarat to Bengal are being forced to move out leaving behind their homes and property,” VHP international working president Pravin Togadia claimed.

“The survey will start from next week and will be completed within 4-5 months time,” he told PTI.

“We will conduct survey in every village, every locality in cities and towns where Hindus have been forced to migrate under threat or force. It will be done in all major states including Bengal and Assam, where influx from Bangladesh is a major problem,” he said, adding VHP will then submit the report to the central and state governments.

VHP, which has recently announced its new campaign ‘Palayan nahi Parakram’ (no migration, but aggression), said it would take up democratic means to protest against “forced migration”.

“Parakram doesn’t mean fighting with arms. If you resist being forced out and fight attacks against you, it is also ‘parakram’. Every human being has a right to fight for their rights,” he said.

“We will take up democratic means to protest against such forced migration. We want this issue to be raised in Parliament and all the state assemblies. There should be a countrywide debate regarding this matter,” Togadia said.

Congress, CPI(M) and TMC in Bengal have criticised the move to conduct the survey, saying it was being done to stoke communal passions in the country.

“VHP won’t succeed in flaring up communal passion in our state. We denounce such measure. India is a country which has a history of communal harmony,” a senior TMC leader said.

Source: The Indian Express