VHPA Expresses Deep Anguish at the Bloody Violence in Oak Creek’s Guru-dwara

Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America: Media Relations Office

VHPA Expresses Deep Anguish at the Bloody Violence in Oak Creek’s Guru-dwara

August 5, 2012

The World Hindu Council of America Expresses Deep Anguish at the Bloody Violence in Oak Creek’s Guru-dwara

The World Hindu Council of America (VHPA), expresses its deep anguish at the tragic violence leading to the cold blooded muder of seven devotees and injury to many others, at the Guru-dwara (Temple) Oak Creek, WI. The Guru-dwara has been located at Oak Creek for more than five years, had had faced hate-crime incidences in the past. In the last year alone, Mr. Crowley said in the letter, two Sikh men in Sacramento were killed, a Sikh temple in Michigan was vandalized and a Sikh man was beaten in New York. Much of the slander and hate in the past, was directed under the misapprehension that Sikhs follow the religion of Islam.

We at World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) condemn this brutal act of terror and assure all possible support to the members of Oak Tree Guru-dwara, in ensuring the safety and support to the community. We urge authorities to take all possible steps to ensure safety of the devotees at all local temples.

For more information on VHPA, please write to media@vhp-america.org or visithttp://www.vhp-america.org