VHP will continue to protect Hindus: VHP leader Dr. Togadia

Lashing at the Karnataka State government for its anti-Hindu policies, Vishwa Hindu Parishat International officiating President Praveen Bhai Togadia warned of nation-wide protest, if the State government tries to introduce the proposed Anti-Superstition Bill and makes any attempt to take over Hindu religious institutions.

Addressing mediapersons at Sanghniketan on Wednesday, Togadia said that it was none of the business of a secular government to ban religious practices and take over religious institutions. “Has the government taken courage to ban churches and mosques? It is nothing but discriminating Hindus against secular concept of the State. We will protest strongly, not just in Karnataka, but throughout the country. We will not tolerate any interference of any sort in our secular matters,” he reiterated.

He criticised the Congress government in the State for targetting Hindu workers of different organisations, by arresting them and booking them under various sections of Indian Penal Code. It might be right for the Congress to fight against the BJP and for the BJP to fight against the Congress. But the Congress fighting against the Hindus in the name of BJP, can not be tolerated, he affirmed.

Answering a query, Togadia said the State government was misusing IPC for political gains. The IPC should be there, but not to prosecute members of Hindu organisations.

“The anti-Hindu policies of the Congress government would cost the Congress heavily. The Congress was completely wiped out in Uttar Pradesh for the same reason. The Congress leaders should think about the acts of the State government in Karnataka,” the VHP leader suggested, even as he declared that the VHP will continue to protect Hindus.

Modi as PM

On asked about VHP’s stand on the BJP portraying Narendra Modi as its prime minister ial candidate, Togadia said that the VHP will support that candidate who will promise the people on Ram mandir in Ayodhya and who will promise of supporting Hindu children and youth. “All the prime minister so far have spent crores of rupees on educating and empowering Muslim youth. We need a prime minister who will provide education and jobs to Hindus,” he said.

Commenting on Deralakatte incident, where two medicos were kidnapped and blackmailed, he demanded the government to enforce IPC sections strictly on the accused, carry out the trial in fast track court, appoint a special public prosecutor and ensure that accused are punished. The government should not try to save any culprit based on religion, he said.


Togadia said that the government should not give permission to the controversial evangelist Benny Hinn to visit Bangalore and to hold a prayer meeting. He said “Benny Hinn’s visit aims at religious conversion and there is no room for religious conversion under Indian constitution. The VHP will protest if he is allowed to visit Bangalore,’’ he said.

Pejawar mutt seer sri Visheweshatheertha Swamiji said that Benny Hinn will seed the superstitious beliefs in the minds of people and the government should not give scope for it. The pontiffs of all the mutts in Udupi have agreed upon his proposal for a modified way of carrying out the palanquin in an open vehicle instead of it being carried by devotees.

Source: Deccan Herald