VHP to launch Hindutava campaign in UP colleges

vhpAGRA: Ahead of UP polls, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is all set to give a further boost to its “mission Hinduism” with a special campaign to target youths in Inter and Degree colleges and connect them with the organisation’s ideology of Hindutava.

The special campaign of connecting the youth to “Rashtra (nation), Dharam (religion) and gauraksha (cow protection) is slated to commence in the 18 districts of Braj region in the next few weeks.
Talking to TOI, Sunil Parashar, vice president of VHP Braj region said the date for the campaign would be finalised at the meeting scheduled for Sept 10. The meeting would be attended by Organisation secretary, Braj region, Manoj Jee, Regional organisation secretary of UP and Uttrakhand, Ishwar Jee and 150 office bearers of VHP’s Braj region.

He said the main aim of the campaign is to unite all castes, including dalits, under the “Hindutava umbrella”. He said under the campaign representatives of the VHP would brief youths about the organisation’s ideology and on the need of “Hindu ekta” (unity) for nation’s progress and security. He said youths would be motivated to join the VHP and further spread the organisation’s message.
Incidentally this move comes close on the heels of the VHP launching a campaign in all the 15,000 odd Bastis in UP, comprising of OBCs and SCs, to form “Hindutava committees” and prop local Hindu leaders to unite all in the name of religion. Parashar said while people may be belong to different castes, Kushwahas, Brahmins, Chatriya, Yadav, Prajapati and others, but they are all Hindus.

He said while the Congress, SP and the BSP, were trying to derive political mileage by dividing these castes and propping one against the other, the VHP is going to unite them on their common Hindu religion and beliefs.