VHP sets December 31 deadline to start construction work of Ram temple

VHP sets December 31 deadline to start construction work of Ram temple- India Tv

VHP sets December 31 deadline to start construction work of Ram temple 

New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has set December 31 as the deadline to start the work on the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya.

According to a report in Times of India, general secretary Champat Rai said that the outfit will not wait beyond December 31 for the Supreme Court judgement on the matter.

“Construction will start before December 31, and we won’t wait for the Supreme Court verdict… We kept our patience, but won’t wait beyond December,” Rai was quoted as saying in the report.

He also said that 90% of the work for temple construction had been completed and the remaining would be done with the help of sants. Rai was addressing a gathering of sants and youths from across the country at Ujjain mahakumbh.

In December last year, 2 trucks of stones arrived in the city amid VHP’s nationwide drive to collect stones for construction of Ram temple. Both the trucks were unloaded at Ram Sewak Puram, a VHP property in Ayodhya, and ‘Shila Pujan’ (praying of the stones) were performed by Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, the president of Ram Janam Bhumi Nyas.

Earlier, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy too had claimed that work on the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya will start before the end of this year.

Source: IndiaTv News