VHP Dares Mamata for trying to turn Bengal into Bangladesh

New Delhi March 27, 2018 The Vishva Hindu Parishad congratulates the Hindus of Bengal for taking out more than 700 processions (Shobha Yatras) with participation of more than 30 lakh people on the occasion of Ram Navmi.

The international joint General secretary of VHP has said that the Hindus of Bengal have proved that they will not tolerate anti-Hindu and anti-national activities in the name of secularism. It will give a befitting reply to all the attempts of dividing and terrorising Hindus of Bengal.

Vishva Hindu Parishad warns Mamta Banerjee to stop committing atrocities on Hindus in her greed for Muslim votes. She had last year asked if there was a need for Ram in Bengal? The Hindus of Bengal gave a befitting reply to her by organising Shobha Yatras all over the state. Mamta Banerjee even went to the extent of creating confusion among the Hindus when her party decided to celebrate Ramotsav. But the Bengali Hindus rejected Mamta’s false Ram-bhakti and accepted the saffron flag instead of the blue. It had proven that now even in Bengal, the politics will revolve on Hindu issues.

Mamta’s frustration at failing to stem the Shobha Yatras has led her to restart her atrocities against Hindus.The stage of Shri Ram was damaged in Burdwan by her goons and attacks were carried out on Ram Bhakts. One Ram Bhakt was killed in the incident. This is what once again encouraged the Jehadi Muslims to attack Ram Navmi shobha yatras. Many places including Raniganj and Purulia became the centre of such attacks on Hindus. The shops and residences of Hindus were broken open, bullets fired on them, bombs hurled at them and Hindu temples were attacked. One police officer had to lose his hand in the incident. The Jehadi Muslims could carry out such dastardly attacks riding on the back of Mamta’s anti Hindu policies only.

Despite the arson and attack on the Bengali Hindus, Mamta has the temerity to ask if Ram used to carry guns and swords? Vishva Hindu Parishad challenges Mamta Banerjee to ask the same question of Paigambar Mohammad during Moharram, does she have the guts to? The Hindu in Bengal will not take things lying down anymore, it won’t be beaten up and then again trampled upon by the CM.

Through the Press statement issued by the VHP National spokesperson Vinod Bansal the VHP leader asked ‘Is the Hindu a second class citizen in Bengal’?. Or does Mamta want to convert West Bengal into Bangladesh where Hindus observe their festivals under the fear of Islam? The VHP again warns Mamta Banerjee that if the atrocities against Hindus continue like this, then the Bengali Hindu will be constrained to take things into their own hands to protect themselves and their Dharma.


Vinod Bansal

National Spokesperson

Vishwa Hindu Parishad

Source: Vishwa Hindu Parishad