VHP Claims 1,000 families migrated from Taj city in past decade

taj-mahal-images-high-resolution-wallpaper-1AGRA: After Kairana, the issue of migrations is all set to rock Agra where the VHP is preparing a list of 1000 odd Hindu families who have allegedly “migrated” from the Taj city in the past 10 years due to “problems and pressures” from Muslims.
The VHP has in fact embarked upon an exercise to assess such “migrations” across UP and if party sources are to be believed instructions have been received from the “high command” to prepare such lists. In Agra, VHP claims that while nearly 1000 Hindu families have migrated in the past decade from 12 localities in Lohamandi area, they say that in contrast not “one Muslim” has left the city.
Talking to TOI, VHP’s Prant Vice President, Suneel Parashar confirmed that a list is under preparation and its details would be made public soon. He claimed that majority of these families had left the city as they were under “pressure” and “facing continuous problems” from Muslims.
He even claimed that the state government’s and the Agra administration’s “soft approach” to Muslims was the main reason for such migrations. “There have been many instances where Hindu families were forced to leave the city, as local police sided with Muslims whenever there was any issue between the two communities”, he claimed alleging that girls from Hindu families are commonly harassed in such areas.
Prashar said they have scrutinized a 10 year old voters list and to their “utter surprise” many Hindu households do not exist now and have been replaced with Muslim families. He said the main areas from where Hindus have migrated include Hathipara, Motikunj, Thana Pateli, Alamganj, Katghar and Jatpura. Blaming the UP government for this state, Prashar said, “sarakar so rahi hai aur Hindu ro raha hai” (the government is sleeping while Hindus are suffering).
He said they had received instructions from their “high command” to prepare list of all such Hindu families. He said the VHP is willing to accept any challenge to prove their claim wrong.
When contacted VHP’s UP and Uttrakhand region head, Ishwari Prasad said such migration have been happening for long but came to light only after the BJP MP raised the Kairana incidents. He said insecurity among Hindus who were still staying in such areas is “very high”.

“We have directed all districts of the state to locate such areas within their and prepare a list of Hindus who have migrated,” he said accusing the Muslims of indulging in various tactics to force “conversions”.
Dubbin the VHP’s claim of migrations as “humbug”, prominent muslim face, Haji Jamiluddin Qureshi said these right wing Hindu organisations are in league with the BJP to polarise UP voters before the elections. He said no such migrations have happened and if any one has opted to move out, it has been due to the lure of better life and prospects. He criticised the BJP for raking this issue and “communalising” the state’s atmosphere. “This would not help them but prove counterproductive”, said Qureshi.

Source: The Times of India