VHP & Bajrang Dal protests V Day by conducted ‘Counselling Sessions’ for young couples

Bajrang Dal activists burn an effigy denouncing Valentine's Day celebrations during a protest at Afzalgunj on Friday. - Photo: G. Ramakrishna“Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal members organised protests from morning by burning effigies and shouting slogans against the ‘imported’ celebrations. “We are not against celebrating love but oppose the culture imposed by MNCs as part of their commercial exploitation,” VHP spokesperson Bharath Vamsi said.

Volunteers from both the organisations also conducted ‘counselling’ sessions to 15 young couples at places like Durgam Cheruvu, Necklace Road, Paradise, Banjara Hills and Punjagutta.

With most deciding against taking to the streets to express their love, the social media played a significant role in playing the part of a messenger.

Netizens flocked to Facebook and Twitter to share their feelings.”

Source: The Hindu