Valentine’s Day to be celebrated as ‘Love Marriage Day’ if couples get caught by Hindu Mahasabha!

New Delhi, Feb 10: Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha is all set to ruin the day of couples romancing in parks on Valentine’s Day. While the western scholars are still unclear over the origin of Valentine’s Day, the right wing organisation claims to have found the purpose of celebrating the day. Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha has decided to observe February 14 as “love marriage day” and will ask couple to marry if there are found in parks or garden.
“Europe had no proper family system and marriages were not in place. So, St Valentine got them married and ensured couples lived happily ever after. But in our enthusiasm to ape the West, we have got it all wrong. We think it is a day for boys and girls to just roam around. But that is not our culture and that is not even what Valentine’s Day was meant for,” Munna Kumar Sharma, national general secretary, Hindu Mahasabha told the Indian Express. (ALSO READ: Say no to Valentine’s Day, ‘worship’ parents on February 14: Ads in Delhi Metro)

Like last year, around 10,000 volunteers of Hindu Mahasabha will roam in parks of Delhi and search for couples celebrating Valentine’s Day. They will counsel the couples to get married “immediately”. The outfit has called a priest at its office in Mandir Marg to perform the rituals of marriage. The drive will be taken out by Hindu Mahasabha members across the country.

According to the Hindu Mahasabha, the campaign is aimed at to save girl from being cheated in relationship. “It is a test for the boys. If they agree to getting married, then we go ahead with the ceremonies right away and if they do not agree then the girl can see for herself that she is being tricked. Our initiative is to protect women from being fooled into fake relationships. It is only for their safety,” said Sharma.
Modified Date: February 10, 2016 2:09 PM
