‘Those Defaming Sanatan Sansatha Suffer from ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’ – Dev Kumar


Those Defaming Sanatan Sansatha Suffer from ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’ – Dev Kumar

When a BJP MLA from Maharashtra compared Sanatan Sanatha to SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India) while giving interview to Indian express, it prompted me to write this article. That MLA is suffering from ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’. I would like to make a disclaimer that I am not a member of Sanatan Sanatha. I do read the Hinduism related spiritual content they forward via. their media centres. Before I start, ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’ is experienced by hyperactive mammals who are unable to prove their manhood on real big size enemies, rather to satisfy their activism passion attack their own fellow brotherly species in time of need and support. Here we make a disclaimer that in no way we are comparing any human or organization with stray dog, goal here is to attach an quality attribute of ‘stray dog syndrome’ to a human action. For example, during heavy rains when brigadier dog house enjoy home cooked meat, shelter and protection of their power masters, the stray dogs on streets often starts fighting and biting themselves in panic.
This behaviour is a result of elevated male testosterone during such rainy weather; the stray dogs are fighting for supremacy to attract the lone female bitch and the lone female bitch will give her love to the dog which shows utmost bravery and courage. Now the stray dog knows very well that if he enters territory of the brigadier dog house, his ass will get banged to an extent of lifetime misery and may get shot dead by the pet dog master or picked up by a mad dog capture municipal bus and kicked out in some jungle far. Hence, he starts attacking his own group people who are quite and composed.
Here this BJP MLA will not dare in his lifetime to attack the Islamic company that controls Indian film industry or the communist – Islamists system that control mainstream media in India. He knows that he may end up with a fate of above listed stray dog who dare to venture into territory of the colonel dog and may either get shot dead or kicked in some public dog house asylum. Thus this MLA takes a low hanging fruity target – Sanatan Sansatha. By this bark the MLA planned to impress so called other ‘stray dogs syndrome’ philosophical clan around him.
Just because Sanatan Sansatha ( & many other Hindu organizations in India who are not affiliated to RSS ) don’t have MLA’s in legislative assemblies or MP’s in parliaments) & they depend on BJP for their political works, some people in BJP take this for granted and assault and mistreat them. Such BJP persons should know very well that for the sake of Hindu empowerment, many non RSS Hindu organizations are not forming political entities so that Hindu votes don’t get divided in a combined landscape of Islamist, communists and evangelical forces. But some ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’ affected people don’t understand that and gets into comfort zone and want to bark. RSS should keep a tab on such MLA’s and kick them out of the system as today they defame fellow brotherly Hindu org, tomorrow such disoriented MLA’s can bite RSS too.
This MLA should have first launched protest against Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde (ex- home minister) who declared RSS and BJP as terrorist organization and asked to ban it in 2013. The MLA suffers from ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’ who prefers to bite his own community people in limited scope to be safe on one hand and also show his bravery to pussies around his clan.
Dear Mr. BJP MLA- Sanatan Sansatha is a great Hindu organization who has not only organized the tactical requirements of Hindus but propagates it worldwide via. Its majestic news and media portals. It has offshoots in overseas and is taking problem by problem in the way enemy understand. Such organizations fill the gaps left by larger organizations like RSS and it’s good for Hindu cause. Like in West Bengal, Tapan Ghosh is filling the gap in Hindu requirements – nothing wrong in that. In Maharashtra, Shiv Sena fills the gap left by BJP and it’s good for Mumbai Hindus. Without Shiv Sena, Mumbai would have been Islamic Mafia ghetto.
If you are so much worried for intellectual deaths – you should first worry for more than two hundreds RSS workers killed in Kerala and tens of BJP activists killed in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra and tens of secular bloggers getting killed in Bangladesh. Mr. Disoriented BJP MLA – don’t suffer from ‘Stray Dog Syndrome’, if you really have guts and balls, you target the Islamic Mafia that controls your film, music industry and the D Company that serves as its overseas big brother. You should not take non RSS Hindu organizations for granted; they just don’t enter into politics for the sake of larger vision and interest for Hindus, your bark and bite may lead to alternate Hindu political parties formation just like when RSS formed Jan Sangh when Congress banned it in late 1940’s.
“Bravery is recognized when you challenge and defeat the 3rd party enemy, a pusillanimous person often attacks his own party” – Dev Kumar
BJP MLA compares Sanatan Sanstha with SIMI, seeks ban for ‘spreading terror’

The author Dev Kumar – is an ex-senior member of Hindu Public Affairs Consortium and has been a prominent figure among Hindus voice in Canadian region. He in past has led many programs that empowers Hindu’s and nationalists organizations in Canada and India. He is a RSS swayamsevak since childhood. The author wants Hon. Indian PM Narendra Modi Govt. to succeed in the agenda for which a Billion+ Hindus voted his party to power.

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Source: WHN Media Network