‘The Carvan’ story is a bundle of lies and fake about RSS : Aseemanand’s lawyer

Ajmer : Feb 6. J. S. Rana, advocate of Nab Kumar Sarkar @ Swami Aseemanand, termed the published story in ‘The Carvan’ magazine as a bundle of lies and fake.

Article published on the news magazine with the caption “The Believer” is a clear cut example of a larger conspiracy to interfere in administration of justice and design to violate the human rights and the interests of an under trial prisoner.

Mr. Rana said, “The Carvan” interview is fake which has published on the news magazine “The Caravan” with the caption “The Believer” Swami Aseemanand’s radical service to the RSS by Leena Gita Reghunath dated February 1, 2014.

Mr. Rana, defence counsel, under Aseemanand’s instructions, clarified that the contents of the article were false, baseless and concocted. His client denies to have given any such interview. The whole story is a complex work of ill- motivated delibrate design to malign the reputation of his client.

Swami Aseemanand emphatically denies to have had any close door meeting with senior leaders of the alleged social organization i.e. RSS in year 2005 or afterwards. Swami Aseemanand challenges the correspondent to prove the truth of the allegations or apologize forthwith, failing which his client intends to take all legal actions against the magazine and the correspondent.

Source: Vishwa Samvad Kendra