
François Gautier was born in Paris in 1959. In the early eighties, he began freelancing in India for different publications and finally ended-up being the correspondent in South Asia, for the Geneva-based “Journal de Geneve”, then one of the best international newspapers in Europe. In 1993, he switched to Figaro, one of France’s leading newspapers for which he worked exclusively for eight years. He also started writing regular columns for Indian newspapers, first in Blitz Bombay, then in the Hindustan Times, later came the ‘Ferengi’s column” in the Indian Express, then the “French Connection” column in the Pioneer, as well as  regular contributions for Outlook, Rediff, New Indian Express, Dainik Jagran, etc.


We are witnessing all that Media and political hype about a handful of Christians being reconverted to #Hinduism. What a HUGE hypocrisy! Let us think rationally: there may have been a thousand no more, Christians reconverted – but how many #Hindus do you think were converted by sheer violence, most of the time, to #Islam in 10 centuries? FIFTY MILLION at least. And how many Hindus have been converted to #Christianity in the last 4 centuries? TWO MILLION??? After the Tsunami, I have seen with my own eyes, how the Christian groups within hours of the catastrophe were in every village, proposing food, money, clothes. Within days, they had offered new boats, houses, interest free loans. It is my estimate that 2% of the fishermen of the Tamil coast, from Chennai to Kanyakumari, were subsequently converted to Christianity – that’s a 300.000 people at a conservative estimate. So what’s the hullabaloo about #Bhajrang Dal, #VHP, reconversions?

As usual, because of the long colonization of India, we see that its intellectual elite, its journalists, some of its #Congress (and #BJP) politicians have kept up Macaulay’s spirit: bash up the Hindus whenever you get a chance and turn a blind eye on what the Christians and the Muslims do.

Wake-up O Hindus, you are an ancient Knowledge that has not only survived in spite of so many extremely violent assaults, but every persecuted religion has found refuge in India’s Bosom, thanks to the Hindus, from the Parsis, to the Jews, to the Tibetans today. So why should you allow yourselves to be persecuted now? Stand-up Hindus, you are the children of Vyasa, of Kalidasa, of the great Shankacharya, of Swami Vivekananda, of Sri Aurobindo. The time of India’s Renaissance has come, but it can only happen if you let go of your colonized mind , and you inferiority complex. You are great, generous, tolerant, you possess the last Knowledge in the world: “who am I, what happens after death? What is Karma? What is Dhama? What is Adharma”? Rise O Hindus, your time has come and don’t let the Bharka Dutt @Bdutt, @Sardesairajdeep; @ShekharGupta’s of this nation brainwash you with their small, western borrowed, hollow & adharmic opinions.

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