Thapa streses on referendum on Hindu state

timthumbLAMKI: Chairman of Rastriya Prajatanra Party -RPP-Nepal Kamal Thapa has said that the constitution would be delivered in the slated time.

Speaking to media persons at Bauniya in Kailali district today, Chairman Thapa stressed on the need of resolving the differences among the parties, mainly the contentious issues in the constitution-drafting, so as to promulgate the constitution on time.

Thapa was on the way to capital after completing his four-day visit to the Far-Western region to promote the RPP-Nepal’s campaign for declaring Nepal a ‘Hindu state’.

During the press meet, asked if Nepal could be reinstated as a ‘Hindu nation’, Chairman Thapa said, “Since the majority of the people of Nepal are Hindu, it is the most appropriate to declare Nepal a ‘Hindu state’ even by holding a referendum.”

Source: The Himalayan Times