Students encouraged to go eco-friendly this Diwali

Schools across the city are encouraging students to stay away from crackers and celebrate Diwlai in an eco-friendly way. As part of the drive, the kids of pre-school, Executive Babies, Kharghar, celebrated an eco-friendly Diwali on Friday where instead of crackers, the kids were asked to draw Rangolis with flower petals.

“We don’t say that the festive spirit should be dampened, but we should keep the festive proceedings safe and eco-friendly,” said principal Rachel Alexander.

“If children are convinced not to burst crackers, Diwali will definitely take a new course. So it is them who should be made aware about the harms of noise and air pollution,” said Shobha Murthy, founder ofNGO Aarambh, Turbhe. The task of spreading awareness in school has been entrusted to the student councils. Also, special assemblies and distribution of circulars among student’s will help them celebrate Diwali minus the crackers.

“On Monday, we will hold an assembly that explains the importance of celebrating Diwali without pollution,” said principal of North Point School Sudha Menon. Teachers are also making use of aids like puppets to make students understand the effects crackers can have on environment.

Even students from Institute for Technology and Management , Kharghar, will visit various schools and make a power point presentation on the safe ways of celebrating the festival. “A team of 25 students will hold interactive sessions with students on alternate ways of celebrating Diwali. It will be accompanied by a PPT highlighting the conditions in which crackers are made. This project has been undertaken by the eco club,” said assistant proffesor of marketing Prachi Gupta.

Source: Times Of India