Sri Jayanthi Kumaraswami of Chennai one-month “Yaga For Peace” mission to Trinidad Tobago

Sri Jayanthi Kumaraswami

Her Holiness Sri Jayanthi  Kumaraswami of Chennai, India will climax her one-month mission to Trinidad and Tobago with a mass, “Yaga For Peace” on Saturday Jan. 11 at 6 p.m. at Divali Nagar.

Trinidad-born,Visham Balroop, international co-ordinator of the Jai Sathya Mission, said that the public is invited as several MPs, religious leaders of the several organizations ,businessmen  will be in attendance.
“Greetings and spiritual devotion and prayers by spiritual leaders of the different faith-based organizations will be in attendance, as her message is resplendent  of the universal message of peace, harmony, concord and spirituality,” Balroop said.

Sri Kumaraswami, India’s” Roaming Saint” is internationally recognized as a powerhouse of boundless divine possibilities, who like the glorious sun. dedicates everyday of her being towards the cause of establishing peace and harmony throughout the world. “She is a spiritual guru, humanitarian and revolutionary thinker whose philosophy embraces peoples of all religious persuasions and cultures”, Balroop added. Born and realized in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. India, Swamiji Kumarasswami ‘s childhood unfolded with various mystical experiences that could not be understood by the normal man, and she aided in rediscovering  her purpose in this incarnation.

“I salute the Supreme Force. Let me pray to the Supreme Force to bless this wold. This Supreme Force is the secret behind the creation and existence of the entire world. The Supreme Force has indeed become the world. Let this world become fertile, prosper, stand eternally and shine forth,” she said in an interview.In the process of global enlightenment, Swami Kumaraswami  embarked on a worldwide mission to spread her message and teach individuals how to gain spiritual upliftment in order to effect much needed change in the society. She has established  the Sri Jai Sathya Mission in several parts of the globe, including Trinidad and Tobago.

“These humanitarian movements also provide services or the holistic development of an individual through diverse service projects in education, environmental preservation, anti-discrimination campaigns and personal transformation, in underprivileged communities worldwide, “ she added.

She has captivated thousands  and gave darshan to people in Malaysia, Hong Kong< Singapore, Africa, Vietnam, France, Mauritius, Guyana, British Virgin Islands, St. Lucia and Martinique.

Aims of her global missions are: to provide assistance to underprivileged families, the elderly and the homeless with food, clothing; to provide educational tools; to promote yuth and women empowerment; to promote green revolution; and to protect the rights of people oppressed as guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Source: World Hindu Network