Soon, You Won’t Be Able to Enter Karnataka Temples in Jeans, T-Shirt

Sri Chandramouleshwara Temple in Mysore, Karnataka

INDIA, September 24, 2017 (International Business Times): Soon, all the temples under the endowments department in Karnataka will be implementing a dress code. The Karnataka Rajya Dharmika Parishat (a quasi-judicial body formed by the government under the Karnataka Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments Amended Act 2011) decided to make dress code compulsory to preserve the sanctity inside temples and to avoid distractions in devotees’ minds, The Times of India reported. The new dress code will bar devotees from entering temples wearing jeans, shorts or t-shirts. Women should wear saree or salwar kameez while panche or pants and shirt is for men.

“The Parishat mooted the idea to implement dress code in endowment temples in its previous meetings. The proposal is on the agenda for the Parishat’s next meeting on October 3. It will discuss the code in detail and adopt a resolution to implement it in all temples under department across the state. Thereafter, it will be a rule and circulars will be issued to deputy commissioners of all districts for implementation of dress code in all endowment temples,” TOI quoted Parishat member Padmanabha Kotian as saying.

Source: IB Times