Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv 2016: Ujjain deliberates on right way of living

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  Shivraj Singh ChouhanRSS supremo Mohan Bhagwat today inaugurated the three-day Vichar Mahakumbh during the on going Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv 2016 festivities in Ujjain.

Bhagwat while addressing the large congregation said “Policy makers are people. For whom these policies are made are people. Wrong people can destroy policies but for whom the policies are made are however more important than the policy makers.” He also gave an example of traffic signals and how in spite of traffic rules being in place, only chaos prevails when societies do not follow rules.

He also spoke about issues concerning development. He said “No one says we don’t want development but then there are issues of environment that crop up. A mid path has to be found out. Both sides have to be considered.”

CM Chouhan calls for greener Ujjain

This particular event of Vichar Mahakumbh is organised at the nirora village on the Ujjain indore highway. Even as the Chief Minister of state Shivraj Singh Chauhan was busy accompanying BJP chief Amit Shah on his day long visit to Ujjain on Wednesday, Chauhan was back on Thursday sharing stage with Bhagwat.

Chauhan told the packed house that the speakers during the three-day deliberation will talk about the right way of living for humans respecting the right of trees and insects on this planet. He extolled on the need for increasing plantation while in the Ujjain city itself there is lack of green cover. Just for organising the Kumbh,administration had cut down trees for road widening.

A representative from Sri Lanka during his speech spoke about how medieval king Ashok’s children Mahendra and Shanghamitra had travelled to the country talking about the right way of living and their stupas are located nearby in Ujjain. He asked chief minister chauhan to look into making its approach roads better so that people from far could travel to see it.

Even as most speakers spoke about positive thinking and plantation of trees in large number, religious leader Avdhesh Anand spoke about the new culture of women showing their skin in advertising. He even quoted Socrates on how he had lamented and predicted the death of civilisation as women there were indulging in wearing shorter cloths. He said that this meeting of minds could look into how this portrayal of women could be changed.

In a different session RSS functionary Ram Madhav said, “Supreme Court says that dharma is only a way of life. We have to be careful as supreme court orders keep changing” and after this he went on describe what exactly dharma was.

In a huge air conditioned pandole spending crores of rupees, there will be wide range of issues that will be deliberated on. On thursday evening the issue will be that of cleaning the rivers where union leader uma bharti Japanese professor nakamura and south african professor JO Kife spoke.

Friday morning will see RSS functionary Bhaiyaji Joshi, Yoga guru Ramdev, Union Home Minster Rajnath Singh, who might not be abke to attend owing to his trip to Tamil Nadu tomorrow. Union Minister for Environment, Prakash Jawdekar will talk about sustainable development and climate change along with a few other speakers.

The closing day on Saturday will see the prime minister Narendra modi sharing the dias with Sri Lanka president maitripal shrisena. In what is now being termed as spiritual diplomacy had seen Nepalese head of state being invited too but but owing to the home grown trouble in Kathmandu, the invitation was declined. Prior to the closing ceremony chief ministers of all BJP states will be coming together for a meet.
