Significance Of Hindu’s Temple Bells

Significance Of Temple Bells

The sound of a bell is considered auspicious in many cultures around the world. Bells are also significant in Hinduism. It is a common practice among most people to enter the temple by ringing the bell. Temple bells are huge structures and the loud sound produced from it is considered extremely auspicious. Ringing the bell and making other sounds with the help of conch shell or other musical instrument is a significant practice in Hinduism. Every sound made during the puja or while worshipping the deities, has a scientific reason behind it. For example the temple bell, when rung produces the sound “Om”. Om is the regarded as the beginning of all sounds which are present in the Universe. It is also the sound of the Supreme God.

There are many such daily rituals of worship which we follow but we do not know the meaning or significance of these rituals. Ringing the temple bell is also one of these rituals which is followed without knowing the reason behind it. So, let us find out the significance of the temple bells. LUNAR ECLIPSE MYTHS AROUND THE WORLD The Science Behind Temple Bells Almost every ritual in Hinduism has a scientific reason behind it. Temple bells are no exceptions. To start with temple bells are not made of ordinary metal. It is made up of a mix of various metals like cadmium, zinc, lead, copper, nickel, chromium and manganese. The proportion in which each metal is mixed to create a temple bell is the science behind it. Each of these metals is mixed in such a way that when the bell is rung, each metal produces a distinct sound that creates unity of your left and right brain.

Therefore the moment you ring the bell, it produces a sharp and long lasting sound which lasts for about seven seconds. The echo of the sound from the bell touches your seven healing centres or chakras of the body. So, the moment the bell is rung, your brain goes blank for a few seconds and you enter a stage of trance. In this state of trance, your brain becomes extremely receptive and aware. Thus, when you enter the temple after ringing the bell, you become aware of your spiritual self. Spiritual Significance Of Temple Bells As we start the daily ritualistic worship, we ring the bell and chant the following mantra: Aagamaarthamtu devaanaam | gamanaarthamtu rakshasaam Kurve ghantaaravam tatra | devataahvaahna lakshanam This means, “I ring this bell indicating the invocation of divinity, So that virtuous and noble forces enter (my home and heart); and the demonic and evil forces from within and without, depart.” It is believed that the echoes from the temple bells drive out all kinds of negative forces and energies from the mind of the person. So, when the person enters the temple to pray, he/she doesn’t have any thought other than God and can pray without disturbance. Thus, we see temple bells are extremely significant and has a strong scientific reason to be rung as a daily ritual.

Source: Boldsky