Security up at RSS, Hindu Munnani offices after bomb threat

hindu_munnaniCHENNAI: Police have heightened the security at the RSS and Hindu Munnani office in Chennai after a bomb threaten letter landed at the Hindu Munnani office in Chintadripet on Saturday. 

Police said the threaten letter was hand written and sent by post addressed to the Hindu Munnani office in Chintadripet. The letter reads ‘they will target the people working against them (Muslims) in Coimbatore on December 6. We will also blast the RSS and Hindu Munnani office. More deaths will continue on December 6. – By SIMI’. 

Following this letter, the Hindu Munnani cadres lodged a formal complaint at the Chintadripet police station. Meanwhile, Hindu Munnani leader Rama Gopalan was also condemned the threaten letter sent to the office. Police have tightened security at the Hindu Munnani and RSS office in the city and also sent a letter to the Coimbatore police to provide security to the active BJP leaders in Coimbatore.

Source: The Times of India