SB-403 Veto by California Gov. Newsom is a Victory for Privacy, Equality, and Fairness for all Californians and a Strong Statement Against Hinduphobia


SB-403 Veto by California Gov. Newsom is a Victory for Privacy, Equality, and Fairness for all Californians and a Strong Statement Against Hinduphobia 

Danville, CA – HinduPACT today thanked Governor Gavin Newsom for vetoing blatantly Hinduphobic SB-403, a bill that would have weakened California’s privacy protections. Following are key Hindu leader statements: 

Ajay Shah, Convenor, HInduPACT and President of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) said:

“When politically motivated California assembly and senate succumbed to an 18-year long systematic multi-pronged attack engineered by forces inimical to Hindus in various forms, Hindus kept their struggle for truth, justice and equality alive. Today, we thank Gov. Newsom for rejecting Hinduphobic SB-403.  SB-403 would have targeted Hindus kids in the elementary schools and Hindu professionals and business owners.  It would have led to the bullying of Hindu children and baseless and yet relentless persecution and prosecution of Hindu professionals as we have seen in the CISCO case. 

We acknowledge the relentless work by thousands of volunteers who worked at the grassroots, the AAHOA (Asian American Hotel Owners Association) and AASOA (Asian American Store Owners Association),and other Hindu advocacy Hindu organizations for their work on creating awareness about SB-403.  I want to especially remember community organizer Milind Makwana who sacrificed his life as he fought against this Bill”  

 Rakhi Israni, HinduPACT Executive Director, Legal said:

“We are grateful to Governor Newsom for standing up for the privacy of Californians.  SB-403 would have made it easier for companies to collect and sell our personal information without our knowledge or consent. This is a critical issue, and we appreciate the Governor’s leadership in protecting our privacy. Governor Newsom’s veto of SB-403 is a victory for privacy. It sends a clear message that California will not stand for companies that track and sell our personal information without our consent. We urge the Legislature to sustain the Governor’s veto.”

Amitabh Mittal, General Secretary of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) said:

“Thank you, Gov Newson, for vetoing this draconian bill that attempted to harass and divide the entire Hindu community under  the garb of a non-existent “caste” issue in the US.  Congtulations to all Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain American Community members for this crucial victory.  We’re proud of all the Leaders who worked relentlessly to make it happen.  Nefarious designs of hate, divide and destroy have no place in these United States.

Tejal Shah, Convenor of HMEC (Hindu Mandir Empowerment Council), an initiative of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA), representing hundreds of North American temples said:

“The impact of SB-403 on the Hindu temples and culture would have been devastating. Chanting of Sanskrit mantras during prayers would have been construed as castetist act.  Today, we thank Gov. Newsom for protecting the right of Hindus to practice their religion in privacy and freely.”

Deepti Mahajan, Executive Director, CHINGARI initiative of HinduPACT said:

As Californians, we are thankful to Gov. Newsom for his veto of SB-403.  We hope that the California legislative energy can now be focused on issues that really matter to Californians, such as homelessness, rising inflation and law and order.  We are also hopeful that Gov. Newsom will lend his voice to global human rights issues such as the plight of minority girls in Pakistan

Jai Bansal, Convenor of HIndudvesha (Hindu-hatred) initiative of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) said:

We are thankful to Gov. Newsom for his veto of SB-403.  As Californians, we now urge that the California Department of Education remove inaccurate and Hinduphobic references to so-called “caste” from its textbooks.  

Shyam Tiwari, Spokesperson for World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) said:

We are glad that Gov. Newsom has vetoed SB-403.  VHPA has always strived to bring communities together and resist the forces of division.  We hope that the proponents and the opponents of SB-403 will now come together and find ways to help shape the society that is fair, just and equitable. 

HinduPACT and HMECare initiative of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA)
200 New Bond Street, Sugar Grove, IL 60554-9171