Akbar aided by Bairam Khan faced Hemu in 1556, Panipat II was fought. Hemu had larger army and almost won. However destiny willed otherwise, Akbar prevailed. History took a different course in India . Even in those days Vijayanagar was very much there and was flourishing. But Vijayanagar too succumbed in Tallikot war in 1565.
Fanatics of Khalif’s adalat as Nostradamus visualized had murderous reign over much of Hindusthan as a result but for independent kingdoms scattered throughout India. India had to wait until Shivaji ( 1627-1680) to strike a blow to Mughal empire in India from which it never recovered. Then came British. The battle of Plassey took place in Bengal in 1757.
Even though it was enormous importance in history books, actually it was more of skirmish rather than a war. Real war however did take place again in Panipat. Panipat III was fought in 1761 between Maratha confederacy and Ahmed Shah Abdali. Here is brief redacted account of it from ,
The Third Battle of Panipat took place on 14 January 1761, at Panipat (Haryana State, India), about 60 miles (95.5 km) north of Delhi. The battle pitted the French-supplied[1] artillery and cavalry of the Marathas against the heavy cavalry and mounted artillery(zamburak and jizail) of the Afghans led by Ahmad Shah Durrani, an ethnic Pashtun, also known as Ahmad Shah Abdali. The battle is considered one of the largest battles fought in the 18th century.[2] The decline of the Mughal Empire had led to territorial gains for the Maratha Confederacy. Ahmad Shah Abdali, amongst others, was unwilling to allow the Marathas’ gains to go unchecked. In 1759, he raised an army from the Pashtun tribes and made several gains against the smaller garrisons. The Marathas, under the command of Sadashivrao Bhau, responded by gathering an army of between 70,000-100,000[3] people with which they ransacked the Mughal capital of Delhi. There followed a series of skirmishes along the banks of the river Yamuna at Karnal and Kunjpura which eventually turned into a two-month-long siege led by Abdali against the Marathas. The specific site of the battle itself is disputed by historians but most consider it to have occurred somewhere near modern day Kaalaa Aamb and Sanauli Road. The battle lasted for several days and involved over 125,000 men. Protracted skirmishes occurred, with losses and gains on both sides. The forces led by Ahmad Shah Durrani came out victorious after destroying several Maratha flanks. The extent of the losses on both sides is heavily disputed by historians, but it is believed that between 60,000–70,000 were killed in fighting, while numbers of the injured and prisoners taken vary considerably. The result of the battle was the halting of the Maratha advances in the North. |
Reasons for the outcome
Peshwas decision of appointing Sadashivrao Bhau as the Supreme Commander instead of appointing Malharrao Holkar or Raghunathrao proved to be an unfortunate choice as Sadashivrao was totally ignorant of the Political and Military situation of North India. [16] The main reason for the failure of Marathas was that they went to war without good allies. Though their infantry was based on European style contingent and had some of the best French made guns of the times, their artillery was static and lacked mobility against the fast moving Afghan forces.[17] The Marathas had interfered in the internal affairs of the Rajputana states (present day Rajasthan) and levied heavy taxes and huge fines on them. They had also made huge territorial and monetary claims upon Awadh. Their raids in the Sikh territory had resulted in the loss of trust of Sikh chiefs like Ala Singh and the Jat chiefs. They had, therefore, to fight their enemies alone. Moreover, the senior Maratha chiefs constantly bickered with one another. Each one of them had ambitions of carving out their independent states and had no interest in fighting against a common enemy.[18] Some of them didn’t support the idea of a round battle and wanted to battle using Guerilla tactics charging the enemy head-on.[8] The Maratha Army was also burdened with 150,000 pilgrims who wished to worship at Hindu places of worship like Mathura, Prayag, Kashi, etc. The pilgrims wanted to go with the army as they would be secure with them.[8] Before the battle, the Marathas along with all the horses, elephants and cattles were forced to fast for many days and thus fought the battle of Panipat on an empty stomach. Moreover, it took many more days for the Marathas to reach the North due to the constant halting of pilgrims at the places of worship. If not for these pilgrims, the Marathas would have reached the North in the scheduled number of days and would have been in a better position to face Abdali.[8] Najib, Shuja and the Rohillas knew North India very well and most of North India had allied with Abdali, thus, it can be said that there wasn’t any hostility against Abdali. However, the Afghans too started the battle with some disadvantages, facing a well trained, western equipped Army, that was undefeated and led by a single leader. Ahmad Shah Abdali compensated for this by his use of shaturnals, camels with mobile artillery pieces at his disposal. He was also diplomatic striking up agreements with Hindu leaders, especially the Jats and Rajputs, and former rivals like the Nawab of Awadh appealing to him in the name of religion.[8] He also had better intelligence on the movements of his enemy, which played a crucial role in his encirclement of the enemy army. Abdali had also kept a fresh force in reserve, which he used when his existing force was being slaughtered. |
Even after the rout, in India it was Maratha power that remained as a significant force. It was Marathas, Nana Saheb and Tantyatope, Jhansi Rani Laxmibai who led largest uprising in the world against British rule in 1857. Again this also came close to success. When British beleaguered at Kashmir (north) gate in Delhi , held down by mutineers, saw at a distance a large number of native troops, they became crest fallen and gave up hope thinking the days of British raj in India was over. But the troops they saw of Sikhs, actually were coming in to join them and help them. The battle was turned in their favor.
British won over Sikhs to their side by recounting atrocities Muhgals perpetrated against them.
In Plassey that was fought just 4 years back, British led by Robert Clive wanted to give up and flee against large troops of Suraj Daula. However Hindu on his side encouraged him to stay on, because again for the same reason, Suraj-ud-duala persecution of them. It was said for first time after several long years Hindus were able to celebrate Durga Puja in Calcutta only after fall of Nawab Daula in Bengal.
Thus the creed of ‘alefs’ as Nostradamus said had much to do in paving way for British rule in India , similarly by Portuguese in Goa. In due course both turned out to be even more disastrous for Hindus and India is itself another story. Hence again and again Hindus of India had to regroup, reorganize to get rid of alien domination. Here again India came near success and would have won independence on India’s own terms in 1947 had it not been yet another sabotage that resulted for the first time in long checkered history , India getting broken apart with partition holocaust by fanatics of Khalif’s adalat.
Nostradamus in his mind eye might have seen the current situation, but even in 1555 there were communications with travelers going back and forth from India to Europe and vice versa. So then he might even have had information conveyed directly of the turmoil taking place, with great and glorious civilization that was Hindu collapsing right in front of his eyes so to speak.
Ordinarily if his quatrains were clever predictions based on contemporary direct or indirect observations, given the shocks Hindus in India then were receiving, the tendency would have been to write Hindu off altogether as of no consequence. This was done by our contemporary, Prof Samuel Huntington , the author of ‘Clash of Civilizations. Huntington felt Hindu civilization will be of not much consequence in the clash between Islamic civilization with bloody borders. Instead Nostradamus took altogether a different tack, predicting triumph for civilization of people named after ocean , Hindu .
We now have the benefit of observing the truism of his prognostication.
Consider this, among all countries stretching from Turkey to Indonesia where Islam with its variety of sects, sectarian divisions rule, there is neither democracy nor plurality. The minorities live in dread . If there are any exceptions, they only prove the rule of incompatibility of dominance of Shariat with democracy, respect for minorities . Only country in this vast area , India not only maintains democracy and pluralism but also its ancient yet ever new culture and civilization that comes to present with all its essential ingredients intact which were preserved at great sacrifice by saints, soldiers fighting for Dharma, Hindu , Vedic or Sanatana which is soul of India. Nostradamus rightly termed it as religion named after the ocean, the Indian Ocean or the Hindu Mahasagar. Indian and Hindu are synonymous. India, Indian are derived from term Hindu.
Compare such India with any of countries where Khailf’s adalat runs or where creed of alefs dominate. Is there any contest ? India beats them altogether.
Unlike in the past when even in face of dire existential threats coming from invasions of creed of alefs, there were internecine quarrels for one reason or another among India’s defenders. But now, Rajputs, Marathas, Sikhs, Tamils, Andhras, Keralites, Biharis, Bengalis and every one else, regardless of religious divide as well are all on same side, India. Collectively the strength of India is much greater than the sum of the parts. This , strength and power of India that is making Pakistan consistently seek talks rather than resorting to adventure like in 1965 to march in Delhi to fly green flag over red fort as it was boasting then. This is Hindu side in east , per the quatrain.
There is also sea of change in the world to day compared to what it was just couple of decades back. Much water has flown down the river Potomac and river Thames, along with it much blood spilled by terrorism by creed of alefs again as predicted by Nostradamus. Anglo-American bloc which stood in support of not only Pakistan but also any Islamic cause , no longer does that unhesitatingly, pouring money and modern weapons into hands of followers of Khalif adalat. This is Christian side , in the west.
And Khalif’s adalat, creed of alefs is in the middle. Clairvoyance of Nostradamus in 1555 may as well materialize beginning 2015.
If the battles India fought earlier say in Panipat III in 1757 or in 1857, had different result , it is not difficult to guess the course of history. In fact a victory then for Dharma would have changed the course of events in the world.
1. If Hemachandra Bhargava won Panipat II entire course of history would have been different. With him in North and VIjayanagar in South, entire India would have been prosperous avoiding bloodshed of Mughals .
2. If Marathas have won Panipat III, they would be dominant force in India which would have precluded British take over of India and India becoming a colony.
Her wealth and people would not have been bled bone dry. Secretary of state for India in London announced in 1857 clearly and succinctly the policy of England with regards to India-to make her bleed bone dry.
3. If India won in 1857, India would have become a United States of India with no Pakistan.
4. A united India led by Hindu nationalism would have gone for nuclear weapons without ambiguity in 1940-50s itself. India was far ahead of China in this field in 1950s.
India then would have had a nuclear deterrent against China . Homi J Bhaba proposed he could make a A bomb at cost of Rs.3,000,000 each. Cha Cha Nehru vetoes it saying it was too expensive.China did not have nukes till 1964. If India stole the march, if Bhabha’s advise was followed, 1962 debacle would not have taken place, Instead more than 4000 years of amity with China would have continued . Together India and China would have set the course for Asia , there by to the world in general.
5. India would be sitting as permanent member of security council as an equal with other world powers . This may be symbolic but at times has a substance.Especially when it comes protecting own interests.
Again please consider this. Despite reversals in 1757,1857 and yes in 1947 when India was divided, still all the five of above developments look plausible now. And are feasible.
Sages like Nostradamus, Rushis like Aurobindo have no selfish agendas when they talked about ascendancy of India.
And then there was Swami Vivekananda , here in brief , his feelings about future of India .
The Future of India” was a lecture to an audience of 3,000 given in Madras on February 14, 1897, at the Harmston Circus Pavilion. In it, Swami Vivekanandeloquently exhorts India’s youth to work for India’s freedom and makes the extraordinary prediction that it will take 50 years to obtain. In fact, 51 years and one week later, on February 20, 1947, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee announced India would be given full self government.
“WHY IS IT, TO TAKE A CASE IN POINT, that forty millions of Englishmen rule three hundred millions of people here? What is the psychological explanation? These forty millions put their wills together and that means infinite power, and you three hundred millions have a will each separate from the other. Therefore to make a great future India, the whole secret lies in organization, accumulation of power, coordination of wills. Already before my mind rises one of the marvellous verses of the Rig-Veda Samhita which says, “Be thou all of one mind, be thou all of one thought, for in the days of yore, the Gods being of one mind were enabled to receive oblations.” That the Gods can be worshipped by men is because they are of one mind. Being of one mind is the secret of society. And the more you go on fighting and quarreling about all trivialities such as “Dravidian” and “Aryan,” and the question of Brahmins and non-Brahmins and all that, the further you are off from that accumulation of energy and power which is going to make the future India. For mark you, the future India depends entirely upon that. That is the secret—accumulation of will power, coordination, bringing them all, as it were, into one focus. So give up being a slave. For the next fifty years this alone shall be our keynote—this, our great Mother India. “
The unnatural division of our society as Aryan , Dravidian or Brahmin , non-Brahmin was an artificial construct needed for 40 million British to rule 300 million Indians who could be divided thus. But even after independence the mindset of ruling class was no different and they continued same pernicious inculcation into minds of impressionable youth. Political parties parading under label of secularism, regional entities like Dravida Kazhagam squeezed as much poison as possible out of such toxic mischief . Had it not been for our people’s ardent religious devotion, an unbreakable bond for national unity, those who divided India on communal basis still called themselves secular and those who divided India further as north and south would have broken India into more pieces. Hence Swami also observed ,
“The one common ground that we have is our sacred tradition, our religion. That is the only common ground, and upon that we shall have to build. In Europe, political ideas form the national unity. In Asia, religious ideals form the national unity. The unity in religion, therefore, is absolutely necessary as the first condition of the future of India. There must be the recognition of one religion throughout the length and breadth of this land. What do I mean by one religion? Not in the sense of one religion as held among the Christians, or the Mohammedans, of the Buddhists. We know that our religion has certain common grounds, common to all our sects, however varying their conclusions may be, however different their claims may be. So there are certain common grounds; and within their limitation this religion of ours admits of a marvellous variation, an infinite amount of liberty to think and live our own lives. We all know that, at least those of us who have thought; and what we want is to bring out these lifegiving common principles of our religion, and let every man, woman, and child, throughout the length and breadth of this country, understand them, know them, and try to bring them out in their lives. This is the first step; and, therefore, it has to be taken. “
This takes us to other Quatrains mentioned by Sri G S K Menon.
Quatrain 75, Century X
Long awaited, he will not take birth in Europe,
India will produce the immortal ruler,
Seeing wisdom and power of unlimited scope,
Asia will bow before this conquering scholar.
India will produce the immortal ruler,
Seeing wisdom and power of unlimited scope,
Asia will bow before this conquering scholar.
Quatrain 50, Century L
From the peninsula where three seas meet,
Comes the ruler to whom Thursday is holy,
His wisdom and might all nations will greet,
To oppose him in Asia will be folly.
From the peninsula where three seas meet,
Comes the ruler to whom Thursday is holy,
His wisdom and might all nations will greet,
To oppose him in Asia will be folly.
The peninsula where three seas meet is south India. Dravida means exactly that, place surrounded by liquid, water of three seas. India already produced immortal ruler, in South India. He remains ruler and Thursday is holy, indeed.
Thursday: Lord Vishnu Lord Vishnu is worshiped on Thursdays. It is also a day to worship Vishnu’s wife, Goddess Lakshmi. It is said that Thursday is an auspicious day to worship the Lords of fortune and wealth.
Read more at: http://www.boldsky.com/yoga-spirituality/faith-mysticism/2014/worship-hindu-gods-day-wise-037063.html#slide28167
In fact for Lord of Seven Hills in Thirumala , every day is a holy day and auspicious day. So to celebrate marriage in Thirupathi or Thirumala on the hill, there was no need to check almanac for suitable time . Any time is auspicious time near Lord Venkateswara. Kalau Venkatanathah, it is said. In Kali, this South Indian on Thirumala is the Lord says our scriptures, long before Nostradamus visualized an ‘immortal’ ruler from ‘peninsula where three seas meet’.
If you have made pilgrimage to Thirupathi-Thirumala, went to temple on the 7 hills, in the sanctum you see Lord Venkateswara adorned , worshiped in all His glory. If you just turn eyes to your right , you can also see there a north Indian , Sri Rama standing with his entourage fully armed with bow and arrows. Venkateswara or Srinivasa south Indian is also well armed with discuss, mace.

Does any of us or for that matter any of millions who throng to the place from all over the world ever think in terms of South Indian or North Indian in there ?
Or does any one think Sri Pasupathinath, Viswanath or Somanath as north Indian while Bhimeswara, Mallikarjuna or Sri Kalahastiswara as South Indians ?
People from north come to south and from south go to north all feel same emotions and get over come by same devotion. They take water from Rameswaram to mix with Ganga in Kasi. India is one nation because of such devotion.
Bharata ruled Ayodhya in the name of Sri Rama , keeping the footwear on the throne. Similarly any Indian keeping the ‘South Indian’ Sri Srinivasa in the throne of his or her heart can rule India under that Lord’s aegis and have predictions of Nostradamus all come true.
Here is a rare video of Venkateswara Swami being worshiped, rare because now a days taking video is no longer allowed. If possible see it with your family, especially children. One can never tell who He chooses to accomplish the tasks seers and sages visualized for our nation, for our Dharma . However He will always bless all of us.
Best wishes,
G V Chelvapilla
Source: WHN Media Network