‘Sadhana’ is necessary for accomplishing welfare of nation – Shankaracharya Nishchalanand Saraswati

Ratanpur (Chhattisgarh) : “A human being has tendency to go to his own basic form. When it is gained with the help of ‘sadhana’, all desires like lust, wealth, ego etc. get destroyed and one can work for welfareof society in true sense. Sriram was an incarnation but there were 22 to 27 ministers in his cabinet of ministers who were evolved; only then could ‘Rama-Rajya’ be established. It is, therefore, necessary to undertake ‘sadhana’ for working for welfare of the nation.” The above guidance was given by Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswati of ‘Puri Peetha’ while inaugurating a camp on ‘Sadhana and Rashtra-Raksha’. The 15th camp is being organized by ‘Puri Peetha’ as per tradition of Sri Shankaracharya from 25th to 27th April at ‘Siddhapeetha’, Ratanpur in Chhattisgad; in the premises of Sri Mahamaya Mandir. Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswati will be giving guidance during this camp. The camp is attended by 300 people including seekers, devotees and representatives of various organizations from all over the country. Nepal’s Rajguru Shri. Madhav Bhattarai, Dr. Charudatta Pingale, national Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and its national spokesperson, Shri. Ramesh Shinde are also taking part in this camp.

The camp was started with Jagatguru Shankaracharya performing ‘puja’ of Deities and recitation of ‘Hanuman Chalisa’. After having ‘darshan’ of Sri Mahamaya Devi, Jagatguru Shankaracharya reached venue of the camp. While guiding on the topic of ‘Jeevana cha Uddesh ani Sadhan-Sadhya Vivek (Purpose of life and discretion to achieve the goal with available means)’, Shri. Shankaracharya said, “Whether one is an atheist or a believer; human or animal; male or female; everyone is inclined to attain ‘Sat-Chit-Anand’ and to overcome death. When a person is thirsty, water satiates his thirst; but if water gets thirsty, one will have to make water realize that it has the ability in itself to satiate thirst; to make it realize its basic nature. Similarly, it is necessary to make human being realize his divine form. We are convinced and always experience that ‘I am alive’ and confidently say that I am not dead. Tomorrow, even if we really see ‘Mrutyu-Deavata’, we are a witness; but then also, we experience our existence; therefore, we cannot die either today or even in future; still the thought of death is always very distressing for a man. We should, therefore, realize our true form to be ‘Mrutyunjaya (conqueror of death)’.”

It has been stated by Bhagavan in Bhagavat Geeta that soul is my part only. Here, ‘only’ word is used to make it clear for those, who believe in atheism. Atheists consider the physical body as soul. We have to remember that the body may be physical but we are not. While explaining the point of ‘God is eternal; but man is perishable’, and to prove that we are like a part of God but not His part’, Pujya Shankaracharya said, “One sees Sun in galaxy; His reflection is seen in water which is known as ‘Jala-Surya’. He looks exactly same; but He is not ‘Nabha-Surya (Sun in sky)’; but it should be realized that the basic form of ‘Jala-Surya’ is ‘Nabha-Surya’ only.

Explaining the point of man’s true inclination is towards God, Pujya Shankaracharya said, “When we are soundly asleep, we experience the condition similar to death.We forget everything like lust, money, life, mind, subconscious mind and ego etc. Vishwa-sundari (Miss Universe) can also not get sound sleep unless she forgets about her beauty; that is one forgets everything during sleep as we are not really inclined towards them. We try to find happiness in something but it is not in that other thing; it is always within us. We are, therefore, in the form of ‘Sat-Chita-Anand’, ‘Mrutyunjaya’ and ‘Dnyan (knowledge)’. Guiding on the importance of following ‘Shastra’, Shakaracharya said, “In the story of ‘Nala-Damayanti’, ‘Kali’ had to wait for an


 to enter the body of ‘Nala’. Finally, ‘Kali’ entered the body of ‘Nala’ through a small part of hisfoot which did not get washed after urination.” From this he said, “With such small shortcoming, Kali could enter body; then if we see today’s behavior of people, we will realize why everyone is under the influence of ‘Kali’ and if the present Government continues, everyone will become a ‘Kali’ in future.”

Shri. Shankaracharya while explaining the difference between ‘Kalaa (art) and Vidyaa (science/ knowledge), said, “There is ‘Vidyaa’ where there is importance of speech; whereas for ‘Kalaa’, speech is not required. One, who has knowledge of 32 ‘Vidyaa’ and 64 ‘Kalaa’, can only become ‘Jagatguru’. A Brahmin should also have knowledge of mending a shoe.” While concluding, Shankaracharya said, “The path of liberation for a man is selfless act, ‘Upasana (spiritual practice)’, welfare of people and knowledge.”

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat