Revised plans submitted for Hindu community centre near Boulter’s Lock

A planning statement, submitted by Jake Collinge Planning Consultancy, said: “The proposed building will be used by the Hindu community for religious and social activity for members, and shared with other community groups and organisations.

“Uses can include, for example, a lunch club for the elderly, yoga classes, health awareness talks, meetings with other faith groups.

“The building can also be used for general community use, such as a polling station.”

The council decided to hand a 125-year lease for the land to the Hindu Society in February, following the group’s £73,000 bid.

A comment on the Royal Borough’s planning website from Battlemead Close resident Richard Hamilton said the building was ‘out of character’ for the area and the parking spaces proposed were ‘completely inadequate’.

“I do not feel this is the right place for a community centre,” he wrote.

“It would be far better placed near to the town centre, more in accordance with the council’s planning policies.”

A date for when a decision will be taken on the application has not been set.

Search for planning reference number 17/01107 on to see the plans.

Source: Maidenhead