Residential Vedanta Course in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya of two year duration

The 16th residential Vedanta Course in English shall commence on August 29, 2014 on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chathurthi at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Mumbai, India.

Sandeepany Sadhanalaya runs an intensive residential Vedanta Course of two year duration. The students herein live the life of sadhakas as per the guidance of the Acharya in line with the ancient Gurukula System. The candidates selected for the Vedanta Course stay in the Sandeepany Sadhanalaya Ashram at Powai, Mumbai, India, during the course of the training period (2 years). There are no holidays during the course. The typical day schedule consists of Vedic chanting, Meditation, Vedantic studies, Sanskrit studies, Bhajans and Satsang, and Shramadan spread over the day between 5 am to 8 pm. Vedantic texts such as Bhagawad Gita, Upanishads, Prakarana-granthas authored by Adi Sankara, Vidyaranya and others, Sanskrit, as well as Bhakti Literature like Ramayana and Bhagawata are studied in depth. Students will also get an overview of all the six Darshanas (philosophical systems) of India and the basics of world religions.

This is not only a course for study of subjects but also a training in the life style characterized by spiritual sadhana. At the end of the course they will be endowed with the knowledge enabling them to walk the path of knowledge, devotion and service.

After the first three months of the stay in the Ashram, there will be a review of their progress and those found much below the expected standard will be advised to discontinue. During the period of training, if any student is found not suitable to continue as a trainee, the management reserves the right to terminate his/her studies. The trainee can also discontinue the Course, if he/she so desires, after giving a day’s notice.
