Rakesh Kaul Gurakha, National Spokesperson, all-India Hindu Yuvak Sabha said, “Awareness has been created amongst Hindus, along with consciousness due to Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan (RHA). It has given a platform to devout Hindus. We had organized agitation under RHA at Delhi on one Sunday; but Delhi Administration got scared. They were informed that about 50 activists would take part in that agitation; when 330 policemen were deployed at the venue of agitation for guarding. After agitation held against Islamic University proposed at Tirupati, a phone call was received from Hong Kong office of ‘Al Jazira’ news channel. It was asked that if such university came up, what would be the problem ? It is the success of RHA that not only Hindus from all over India and from other countries; but also our adversaries took notice of this agitation. Till undivided Hindustan is not formed, Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan will be continued.”