Rajiv Malhotra lively discussion with Vande Matram Group at IIT Madras

Watch the video of my lecture and Q&A on:  “Taking back our heritage: Message to the Indian youth”     Discussion with Vande Matram Group   IIT Madras   CLICK  
 CLICK     Ever since I first visited IIT Madras many years ago, I notice the students’ openness to our heritage has enhanced considerably. I used to get a few students at first, but this time their major hall got filled up with enthusiastic students.   The topic was based on my latest book, “The Battle For Sanskrit”. I decided to discuss what needs to be done to bring change. The event and private conversations that followed convinced me that we are finally getting traction.   I hope you will watch the lecture including the lively Q&A that follows.     Regards, Rajiv
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Source: World Hindu News (WHN)