Protestors lambast Congress govt for ‘anti-Hindu’ policies in Mangalore

bhat_120514_protest7Mangalore, May 12: “We take pride in being Hindus. The Congressmen belonging to Hindu community never call themselves as Hindus but as ‘secular’. It is a story followed by Sonia Gandhi to chief minister Siddaramaiah. However, we are proud to be Hindus. We struggle for the culture of this land. But the Congress is following anti-Hindu policies. Sonia Gandhi is a ‘Ravana’ clad in saree who supports Christianization,” said Niketh Raj of Yuva Bharat.

He was addressing a protest organized by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) along with other like-minded organizations here on Monday May 13. A protest march was held from Jyothi circle to DC’s office condemning the anti-Hindu policies of the Congress government.

Referring to the controversy surrounding health minister U T Khadar over land allottment to his family trust, Niketh Raj said, “Previously, the land was allotted to Subrahmanya Temple. However, as soon as the Congress came to power in the state, it was transferred to the family of U T Khadar, under his influence. The Waqf board would not have let this happen had its been their land. Besides, minister Abhaychandra Jain has indulged in threatening journalists and MLA Mohiuddin Bava is supporting illegal cattle transportation and traffickers.

“ANF trooper Naveen Naik became a hero after gunning down illegal cattle trader Kabeer, who has several cases against him including of cattle theft. The police can become heroes if they sincerely arrest those who indulge in illegal cattle transport irrespective caste and religion,” he added.

Commenting on the compensation given by the state government to Kabeer, he said it was Congress government’s ‘Chor Bhagya’ programme. “Mahatma Gandhi was also against cow slaughter. But the Congress is supporting it, thus proving that it does not walk in the path of Gandhiji. The deaths of Rajiv Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and Indira Gandhi were a curse of Gou Mata. All the three died on Gopashtami day.

“If the Congress government invokes Goonda Act against any Hindu activist, the Hindu samaj will give the answer to it. In addition, we will hold a mass protest. If the Congress leaders have guts, let them dare touch Dr Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat (RSS leader),” he challenged.

Satyajeet Suratkal of Hindu Jagarana Vedike said, “Various cases have been unnecessarily booked on Hindu youth, although they were not even present at the spot in any of the incidents of crime. A person who smeared cow dung was booked under section 307, however, nothing serious has been done against those Congressmen who not only vandalized the toll booth at Brahmarakootlu but manhandled the personnel,” he said, adding, “Treat everyone equally, and follow the uniform civil code.”

He further said, “Ravi Varma, a Naxal sympathizer is given the post of advocate general in the Siddaramaiah’s government. Though the Kerala government has said Popular Front of India (PFI) is involved in Islamization, the representatives of Karnataka government are supporting it. In 1948, 1975 and many more times, the Congress tried to ban RSS, but in vain. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for the nation if necessary.”

On the death of Kabeer at the hands of ANF in Sringeri last month, he said, “The state government has been condoling the death of Kabeer. However, nothing concrete has been done for those martyrs who sacrificed their lives during naxal insurgency,” he said.

Surya Narayana, state co-ordinator of Bajrang Dal said, “Congress is treating Hindus as third grade citizens as in Tughlak regime and appeasing minorities by suppressing Hindus. Congress is providing various schemes for Muslims and is discriminating against Hindus. It is nothing but divide and rule policy.”

M B Puranik, Sharan Pumpwell, Manohar Thulajaram among others were present at the protest.

Source: Daijiworld