Pravin Togadia demands re-arrest of separatist Alam

praveen-togadiaJammu, Mar 8:  VHP leader Praveen Togadia today lashed out at Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Sayeed for releasing Masarat Alam, accusing him of toeing Pro Pakistan line and demanded a re-arrest of the hardline separatist leader. “Indian people have been let down by the speeches of Mufti Mohammed Sayeed and his actions, while he should have thanked the people of Jammu and Kashmir who made him the chief minister he thanked Pakistan. Is he planning to contest the next elections from Pakistan,” VHP working President Praveen Togadia told VHP workers during its centenary celebrations here.

He questioned Sayeed’s statement that Alam was released following the judicial procedure. “If he says that judicial process was followed for his release then why was he behind bars for so long,” Togadia said. Togadia also demanded the immediate re-arrest of Alam. “Masarat Alam who is responsible for the death of 120 youth in the Valley, who instigates youth to throw stones on our security forces must be re-arrested immediately,” he said.

Togadia claimed that there was no need for continuing with special status to Jammu and Kashmir. “Article 370 will go as it has to go, if Hyderabad and Junagarh that had followed the same terms of accession as the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir did and if they did not get any special status why there is a special status for Jammu and Kashmir,” he asked.
