Police detain a Hindu in custody without any reason and beat him up brutally

Police_beat-300x239There is no alternative to establishment of Hindu Rashtra by electing righteous rulers for protection of Hindus all over the world !

Dhaka (Bangladesh) : Police detained a Hindu named Ashish Haldhar in custody and brutally beat him up. The incident took place recently in Pirozpur district at Motbaria police station. Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) has demanded inquiry into this incident.

Ashish Haldhar was at Patharghat bus stand in Motbaria district in connection with some work. Few policemen started arguing with him and later arrested him taking him to police station. They filed a false case against Haldhar and detained him. Later for following two days, he was brutally beaten up on the instructions of Dy. Police Superintendent. Whatever money he carried was also taken away from him by the police. BDMW went to Court to obtain bail for Haldhar.

He is now released on bail. (It shows that in Bangla Desh, minority Hindus’ fundamental rights are also taken away from them. There are no hopes of Indian rulers doing anything for getting back rights of minority Hindus. The only solution to this is the establishment of Hindu Rashtra in India ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) BDMW has alsodemanded that judicial inquiry should be conducted in this case and police involved in beating up Haldhar should be arrested.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat