Plea seeks Putin’s help to protect Hindus

27A1AA7E00000578-0-image-a-61_1429197772620LUCKNOW: A petition circulating in the social media is seeking help of Russian president Vladimir Putin to protect the Hindus who are being targeted by radicals in Russia.
The petition has been initiated by Prasun Prakash, director of public communications and cultural development of the Centre for Promotion of Conservation and Development of Indian Culture in Moscow. Speaking to TOI from Moscow, Prakash said, “The purpose of the petition is to expose the nefarious designs of some radicals who are targeting Hindus in Russia.”
Prakash said there are about 1.4 lakh Hindus in Russia. Prakash alleged that Russia-based anti-cult leader Alexander Dvorkin is heading the hate campaign against Hindus. “Alexander is attacking my family through his hate speeches,” he added. Prakash also said that media groups in Russia are giving support to Alexander’s campaign. Prakash, however, said that they have full faith in the Russian judicial system and are hopeful that their rights would be safeguarded.

Source: The Times of India