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Demand Fairness and Accuracy in the Teaching of Hinduism and India |
Please Sign This Petition NOW! |
We ask YOU to please sign the petition to urge the State Board of Education to improve the way India and Hinduism are portrayed in school textbooks.
Please Sign this petition TODAY to add your voice to demand that textbooks must accurately depict Hinduism and India in a manner that is equitable and inclusive.
Our community has seen some improvements toward cultural competency and equity in the way Hinduism and India are portrayed in school textbooks, but THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER. The State Board could vote against the progress made thus far, or add edits that could worsen how these topics are taught. That’s why the State Board needs to hear from concerned community members like YOU.
What’s wrong with how Hinduism and India are taught currently?
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The history of other religions and civilizations are highlighted positively in contrast to Hinduism and India, which are portrayed in an oversimplified or negative manner. |
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Hinduism is conflated with gender bias, subjugation, and discrimination despite these social evils occurring in every religion’s history. |
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Hinduism’s pluralistic ethos, concept of spiritual unity of everyone and everything, and the contributions of women are ignored. |
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Hinduism and Indian history for 6th and 7th graders is portrayed in a way that is outdated, inaccurate, and stereotyped. |
What will my support do?
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Support fairness and equity in education of ALL religions and histories. |
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Set a K-12 History-Social Sciences Framework that teaches Hinduism and India in a way that is objective, accurate, and on par with other religions and civilizations. |
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Protect children from being bullied based on their heritage or background. |
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Ensure ALL children’s success in an increasingly globalized and diverse society. |
What can YOU do?Click the button below, or go to www.equityineducation2016.org and sign the petition TODAY! The deadline is FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 11:59pm Eastern Time.
Don’t delay — please sign TODAY and urge your family and friends to sign it too.Thank you or your support to this important cause.VedPChaudhary
Ved P. Chaudhary, Ph.D. President, Educators Society for |
Source: World Hindu News (WHN)