Saint Gopaldas speaking at the time of hunger strike.
Faridabad (Haryana) : Haryana Government was to start its first mechanized slaughter-house in the State at Faridabad but due to opposition of Hindus, the plan has been cancelled. ‘Gou-premi’ Saint Gopaldas staged hunger strike outside small Secretariat Office in Sector 12 for his demand. On 8th January, Dy. Commissioner of Faridabad, Balraj Singh met Saint Gopaldas and requested him to call off hunger strike.
- Balraj Singh addressed the agitators when he said, “There is no plan to build a slaughter-house in Sector 12. No slaughter-house will be built in Faridabad going against Hindus’ sentiments. Also, shops selling meat at various places in city, will be soon shifted outside the city.”
- Saint Gopaldas made a demand with Balraj Singh that Rs. 22 crores allocated for slaughter house should be diverted for building veterinary hospital and grazing ground for cattle. Till promise is not given for accepting this demand, hunger strike will go on.”
- On this Singh said, “I cannot take such decision. You will have to meet the Chief Minister for the same.” Saint Gopaldas said that the Chief Minister should meet him and give promise. Shri. Suresh Munjal, the State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti for Punjab and Haryana met Saint Gopaldas and discussed further course of action with him.