Patriot Forum – Vol.59 – Patriots Speak_18-24 August 2014

pDear Enlightened Readers,

At a time when serious initiatives were being undertaken by the Government of India to move bilateral ties forward, including towards the resumption of a regular dialogue process, the invitation to so-called leaders of the Hurriyat by Pakistan’s High Commissioner does indeed raised questions about Pakistan’s sincerity. The calling-off the meet was bold diplomatic decision long-time due!

It is very heartening news that 5 Indian Firms are among Forbes’ Most Innovative Companies. India’s anti-terrorism policy seems to be finally taking shape if indications were true. Death penalty for hijacking is on the cards!

Self-glorification can go to any extent and it is not the prerogative of politicians alone. Delhi LG, has ordered to demolish IPS officer Vimla Mehra’s statue on the Tihar Jail premises constructed when she was serving as its Director General (DG).

On behalf of the Patriots’ Forum

Cancellation of Indian FS visit to Pakistan: Original Press Release ‘cancelling’ not just postponing the FS level India Pakistan Talks. The Pakistan’s stand shows that its negative approaches and attempts to interfere in India’s internal affairs continue unabated…. Therefore, under the present circumstances, it is felt that no useful purpose will be served by the Indian Foreign Secretary going to Islamabad next week. Foreign Secretary’s visit to Islamabad for talks on 25 August stands cancelled.

Pakistan: The Soft Coup to Constrain Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan’s 68th Independence Day, 14 August 2014 will be remembered more for the long march launched by two political outsiders for dislodging the elected government with a strong majority in the parliament than the ceremonials held at midnight on the pretext of terrorist threat in Islamabad.

3324.html Pakistan PTI’s six-point charter of demands: Resignation of Sharif brothers top the demands, something that is seen as unacceptable by the PMLN. The six demands are resignation of the prime minister and Punjab chief minister, audit of the government’s 14-month expenses, bringing culprits of the alleged vote fraud in the 2013 general elections to book, electoral reforms prior to fresh elections, re-elections for all assemblies and installation of impartial interim government before new elections.

Death Toll from Syrian Civil War Tops 191,000 says UN: Killed between March 2011 and April 2014, the United Nations reported Friday, 22nd Aug. The figure is the first issued by the U.N.’s human rights office since July 2013, when it documented more than 100,000 killed.

UN/2014/08/22/article2392877.ece Muslims pose a threat to Sri Lanka and India – Sri Lanka BBS leader: Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero claims that Muslim minority in Sri Lanka funded by some Middle East countries poses a threat to Sri Lanka, India.—bbsleader-3292.html

Sharmila released, resumes hunger strike: After having being detained in the judicial custody for over 13 years for allegedly attempting to commit suicide, Anti-Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) activist, Irom Chanu Sharmila on Wednesday was released from JN Hospital security ward, for the first time, free from any charges earlier lodged against her.

3317.html Death for hijack on the cards: A draft bill providing for death penalty to hijackers and empowering security forces to shoot down aircraft that could be used as a missile to hit vital installations may be brought in Parliament’s next session. The civil aviation and law ministries are taking a fresh look at the much-delayed anti-hijacking (amendment) bill to amend the 1982 act and bring it in tune with international legislation and resolutions

Scaring the Daylights out of Women in Kerala: Contrary to popular perception, women in Kerala are most unsafe between 11 am and 3 pm in public places. A survey conducted by Kudumbashree members in 72 panchayats from Kasargod to Thiruvananthapuram, found that 54,062 of the surveyed women faced some forms of crimes and abuses. In all, 59,714 Kudum bashree members participated in the survey titled ‘Crime Mapping’. The State Kudumbashree Mission conducted the survey under Nirbhaya project in the past one year to find out the types of crimes women and children face, and their severity and circumstances under which they were committed.

Kerala/2014/08/22/article2392416.ece 5 Indian Firms among Forbes’ Most Innovative Companies: The annual ‘World’s Most Innovative Companies’ list, released on 21st Aug. has been topped by California-based global cloud computing company Salesforce for the fourth year in a row. The five Indian companies on the list are consumer goods company Hindustan Unilever, which is ranked 14th, followed by IT major Tata Consultancy Services (57), construction services firm Larsen & Toubro (58), Pharma major Sun Pharma Industries (65) and Bajaj Auto (96). Hindustan Unilever recorded an innovation premium of 54.7 per cent.

Companies/2014/08/21/article2390810.ece Delhi L-G Orders Demolition of Bimla Mehra Statue: Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung on Thursday, 21st Aug. ordered to demolish IPS officer Vimla Mehra’s statue on the Tihar Jail premises. It was constructed when she was serving as Director General (DG) of the prison. Mehra was removed as DG from Tihar Jail last month after the Union Ministry of Home Affairs discovered that a jail inmate had constructed a life-size statue of the IPS officer inside the jail.

INS Kamorta to be Commissioned on August 23: The first indigenously-built stealth Anti-Submarine Warfare

Corvette ‘INS Kamorta’, built by M/s Garden Reach Shipyard (GRSE), Kolkata, would be commissioned by Defence Minister Arun Jaitely at Naval Dockyard here on Saturday. Kamorta is the first of four ASW stealth corvettes designed by Indian Navy’s in-house organisation, Directorate of Naval Design (DND), and built by GRSE, a statement from the Eastern Naval Command said.

Make DRDO a Hub for Defence Manufacturing – Arun Jaitley: Keeping the massive defence preparedness in mind Defence Minister appealed to defence scientists, technologists of DRDO to work in right earnest.

India and Singapore Pledged to Enhance Defence Relationship: The Minister of Defence of Singapore, Dr Ng Eng Hen on official visit to India met Defence Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, at South Block.

Britain to honour Indian heroes of World War I: There 1.3 million men of the Indian Army who fought across the globe in the First World War. A century later, their sacrifices are now being honoured by world leaders and country heads, the latest being UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon on Thursday. But leading this tribute march is Great Britain under whose flag the Indian Army served in both world wars.]

Interest at home, among NRIs resurrects Sanskrit: Disparaged as being commercially unviable and dubbed ‘a dead language’, Sanskrit is staging a quiet resurgence both at home and among NRIs. Statistics illustrate the point: Twitter has a community of more than 200 Sanskrit users who like to post on current events in the language; the 2014 Union Budget being the latest. Spoken Sanskrit classes in the capital include IT professionals; enrolment has doubled over two years. In the US, memberships at Sanskrit camps have shot up 20 times over the past decade and-a-half, sources say.Aug 18 2014 : The Times of India (Delhi)

Legend, healer B.K.S. Iyengar no more! The legendary yoga guru who overcame debilitating illnesses in his formative years and built a global following that included violin maestro Yehudi Menuhin, died in Pune on Wednesday, 20th August 14. He was 95. Nivedita Joshi, the daughter of veteran BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi, was incapacitated by slipped

disc problems for almost 12 years before she met Iyengar. In an account to Ananya Sengupta, Nivedita Joshi recalls how the guru changed her life.

6 times more ‘Puranas’ in hand, RSS puts 100 on job for new history: Apart from a version based on Puranas, Sangh plans history of all dists, tribes. As part of grand preparations for its centenary in 2025, the RSS is working on writing a version of Indian history based on the Puranas. The 10-year project has been dubbed ‘Puranantargat Itihaas’.The Sangh is also planning to put together the history of each one of the over 670 districts in the country, as well as the history of the over 600 tribal communities in India.


Soul Inspiring Article – “A Question of Honour” by Air Marshal Brijesh D. Jayal (Retd): Before the flicker of the last candle to commemorate those who laid down their lives for their motherland during the Kargil conflict dies out and memories of this 15th anniversary of Kargil Diwas begin to dim, it is perhaps time for the collective conscience of the nation to pause and reflect. It is fair to say that this anniversary drew more public attention than have the previous ones. But first a ‘reality check’! Over the years, neither the supreme commander nor the prime minister has led the event and it is left to the defence minister and the service chiefs.

Meditate on That Which Gives You Joy: The mind can be quietened by consciously      remembering     an ennobling person or place that is close to your heart. Many things can be close to our heart, whether they are for our ultimate good or not.

So care has to be taken to meditate on that person or place where the energy is spiritually uplifting. When the mind thinks of such a person, it immediately lifts itself up to that lofty height and becomes that.

The key to quietude is to take the mind to the right feeling zone. Change is one way by which the

mind can become free of agitation. Meditation refines consciousness. Consciousness is the ability to know and comprehend objects, people and emotions without and within us. In its original state, it is pure and unsullied.

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Source: Patriot Forum