Pathetic condition of Kashmiri Hindus caught in the clutches of Jihadi terrorists

CNN_INDIA_MAPMuslims are in majority and Hindus in minority in Kashmir. Muslim population is 97 % whereas Hindus and Sikhs together form 2.5 % of population in Kashmir valley and population of Buddhists is also minimal. 3, 50, 000 Kashmiri Pundits had to leave Kashmir due to terrorism who are living life as an ordeal even today. ‘Saptahik Chitralekha’ periodical threw light on this burning problem. The article is published below for our readers.

‘3, 50, 000 Kashmiris displaced out of fear of terrorists !

In 1989, terrorism started in true sense of the term in Kashmir valley. Owing to terrorist activities, threats given by them –

  1. In 1989, the number of Kashmiri Pundits leaving Kashmir out of fear was 3, 50, 000.
  2. At least 5, 00, 000 local Kashmiri Pundits had to give up their ancestral land and farming.
  3. Many of them left Jammu and settled in other parts of the country. Some people took shelter in refugee camps set up at other places and are still staying there for number of years.
  4. Many are staying in old schools which have been closed down and some are staying in tents at the banks of rivers.

State Government’s pretense of appealing Kashmiri Pundits to return !

The State Government makes an appeal to Kashmiri Pundits to go back to their homes; but does not give any guarantee of their safety. Houses of displaced Kashmiris have been occupied by others; so when they go back, there will be not only the problem of getting vacant possession of their houses; but also about livelihood. No Government has tried to put them in secure houses; then how will they return ? Today, only 808 Kashmiri Pundits are staying in Kashmir valley that too under constant fear for their life. There is no guarantee of even their staying in Kashmir permanently.

Anti-national leaders of Kashmir in contact with separatists factions !

There are such leaders in Kashmir who have been provided security by the Central Government; but who have started to spoil the atmosphere in Kashmir through separatists factions in Kashmir because they had to stay away from power. They are getting support from Pakistan. These leaders and their parties are increasing trouble in Kashmir.

Government responsible for disturbance in Kashmir !

The rulers are responsible for trouble in Kashmir because …

  1. New rulers start implementing new rules.
  2. They hold discussions sometimes with separatists and sometimes even with terrorists’ groups in Pakistan.
  3. As the situation in Kashmir improves even a bit, announcement is made to reduce deployment of army and Border Security Force.

With such immature political games played by the politicians, there is always unrest in Kashmir valley and that unrest has proved to be dangerous for India.’

(Ref.: ‘Saptahik Chitralekha’, 6.9.2010)

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat